Community | Description | Stats | Country | Teaching |
Wir sind ein offener Verein für ganzheitlich denkende Menschen. Gemeinsam lieben und achten wir die Natur. Unsere Vision ist es, Orte der Begegnung zu schaffen, ... | Germany | ||
Akademie fuer Suffizienz
What brings us together: Ohne Orte, an denen Suffizienz erlebbar ist, ohne Strukturen, die Suffizienz normal und plausibel machen, bleibt sie in der Sphäre individueller Lebensführung. Um breitenwirksam zu ... see profile | Germany | ||
Alte Mühle Gömnigk
Germany | |||
Spain |
Amandine de SEZE
What brings us together: love see profile | |||
Andere Welt
What brings us together: siehe see profile | Germany |
Germany |
Aurora Community
Located at the beautiful Carpathian Mountains of Transylvania in Romania and integrated in a region with a rich historical context, Aurora Community is an intentional, ... | Romania | ||
Autarkes healthcenter Projekt
What brings us together: Wir sind eine transkulturelle Gemeinschaft aus Deutschland. Die Gerne autark und selbständig in Einklang mit der Natur leben möchte. Wir sind Familien mit Kindern und ... see profile | Dominican Republic |
Awakening to Gaia
What brings us together: Respect for and honoring Gaia Awareness of we and all life are one Meditation Permaculture/ organic growing Collecting food from the wild / herbs berries ... see profile | Bulgaria | ||
What brings us together: Living, working, see children growing up with heart, mind and hands. We intend to grow to about 25 members (adults and additional children) that have ... see profile | Spain |
Bioregional network
People from farms, Permaculture groups and local producers-organizations | Italy | ||
Germany |
What brings us together: Connection. Play. Working together. Making things beautiful. Singing and playing music. Breakfast, Lunch, a snack and Dinner. Sharing evening gratitudes. Sharing. Networking between our sister ... see profile | United States of America | ||
Colombia |
Camp Currie
What brings us together: Uns verbindet das Interesse an biologischer Landwirtschaft, an gesunder Ernährung und am gemeinsamen Tun und Sich-Austauschen. Wir stehen der Industrialisierung der Lebensmittelproduktion kritisch gegenüber. Wir ... see profile | Austria | ||
casa barriga
Portugal |
Casa de Cultura Permanenta
What brings us together: Sharing, Downshifting, Gift Economy, Permaculture, Dance, Music, Yoga, Spirituality, Healing, Food, Urban Gardening. see profile | Romania | ||
Casa Fluxus
Fluxus is a homeland in the nature receiving creativity life force. We magnet artists, creators, alchemists, transformers, in a together magic cauldron to find better ... | Portugal | ||
Casa Rompe Cabeza
Spain |
Cento e Oito
A home for about 10 diverse people, interested in good relations with each other and heading towards a more sane and sustainable form of living. | Portugal | ||
clan b
Community Life Project
Ayúdame a construir una comunidad en mi terreno en España. Welcome to my Ecobasa Community page and Thank You for taking the time to read ... | Spain |
DIE Super-GLÜCKLICHE Kommune in D mit wissensch. Supervision
Portugal | |||
Eco Adventure Org
Ecoaldea Aldeafeliz
Colombia | |||
Eco Lounge
What brings us together: Alternative,sustainable life-style... see profile | Romania | ||
Ecoversidade Sampa
Brazil |
Ecovillage Barranco de Mogan
What brings us together: Vivir en la naturaleza e independiente al sistema capitalista see profile | Spain | ||
Ekobius International
Ekobius International is a fabulous place, it is a convergence point for nature, Indigenous peoples, culture, plant spirit medicine, chocolate and biodiversity. We have a ... | Venezuela |
El Timon
Small scale off the grid farm in a mountainous forest, focussed on cultivating consciousness by cooperation with the natural environment, basic living, study, exercise and ... | Spain | ||
Erdumdrehung e.V.
Germany | |||
Hello, Amelie and I (Anthony) had a beautiful dream. Along our traveling around the planet we gained experiences and idea of how we like to ... | Spain | ||
Esopia-Biomonia Eco-community
Greece |
Estonian Ecovillage Network
Estonia |
Finestras is an abandonned spanish village in the southern parts of the pyrenees in the beautiful mountains of Huesca! We started three years ago with ... | Spain | ||
Freie Feldlage in der Heilstätte Harzgerode
What brings us together: GEMEINSCHAFTLICH * Vertrauen in uns und den anderen haben * Energie erzeugen und Kraft entfalten * Baumhaus, Bauhaus und Traumschloss bauen * uns in Liebe ... see profile | Germany |
What brings us together: We, that's 6 people between 23 and 31, want to create a place where sustainable, self-determined living and working is possible whithin an empathetic, open-minded ... see profile | Germany | ||
Gallien Spirit
Gemeinschaft Clan B
ehemalige Jugendherberge bei Oldenburg und Bremen | Germany |
Gemeinschaft Rosenkohl (inaktiv)
gemeinschaft rosenkohl ist nicht mehr. hab versucht dieses profil zu löschen aber hat nicht funktioniert. | Germany |
What brings us together: Die gemeinsame große Vision einer neuen nachhaltigen Kultur, einer menschlichen Permakultur, in der der Mensch seine besonderen Fähigkeiten in den Dienst des Lebens auf der ... see profile | Germany | ||
Gemeinschaftsland Sonnenwiese
What brings us together: Solidarische Landwirtschaft Permakultur see profile | Germany | ||
Gemeinschaft Sulzbrunn
Wir sind noch in Gründung, unser Gelände ist 15Hektar groß und es sind mehrere große Wohngebäude hier. Auch ein riesen Seminargebäude und ein Minigolfplatz ist ... | Germany | ||
What brings us together: We want to live in a community because we believe in the benefits of commitment. We look forward to our dinners together. We trust in ... see profile | Norway |
GEODOME PROJEKT - Public Biostructure Program
Unsere Gemeinschaft projektiert einen sich selbstversorgenden, nachhaltig wirkenden, ökologisch unbedenklichen Lebensraum in Form einer Siedlungsanlage. Ein neuartiges Earthship! Hier möchten wir leben und arbeiten. Unsere ... | Germany | ||
Giardino della Gioia
What brings us together: We want to live the vision of the Rainbow Family. We want to be a permanent community, so we added some structure to the rainbow ... see profile | Italy | ||
Go&Change Entwicklungsgemeinschaft für Lebensqualität
Germany |
Grow Heathrow
Transition Heathrow is a grassroots action group working to build resilient Heathrow communities, capable of collectively coping with the injustices and threats of the economic, ... | United Kingdom (Great Britain) | ||
Halcyon Community
Resilient stewards of the New Earth, planning on surviving imminent economic & cultural collapse. | Mexico | ||
What brings us together: Im wesentlichen die Überzeugung dass die vollkommene vegane Lebensweise für eine ganzheitliche spirituelle Lebensweise unabdingbar ist. Nun ist spirituell ein sehr dehnbarer Begriff, im Wesentlichen ... see profile | Germany |
Healing Earth Village
What brings us together: - Female individuals looking for a partner - Families looking to buy their own 8 hectare, 120.000 euro farm as part of the community Our ... see profile | Spain |
What brings us together: The desire to have a positive impact on the broader community and the planet. Our aim as a research and production community is to publish ... see profile | Norway | ||
Herzensgemeinschaft Wolfen
Wir sind dabei ein Ökodorf zu gründen. Wir wollen einen Ort schaffen wo Menschen so leben können wie wir es für richtig halten. Dazu gehört ... | Germany | ||
Hof Lebensberg
Wir - die Gemeinschaft vom Hof Lebensberg - sind sind gerade dabei den Hof und die dazugehörigen Gebäude in den umliegenden Dörfern zu renovieren. Das ... | Germany | ||
Jah Mollison Ashram
In the north west coast of Sardinian Island, we keep a permanent workshop on sustainable lifestyle models development, each one teach one style. We are ... | Italy | ||
Julia Lung
What brings us together: The same beliefs. see profile | Romania | ||
Kalamos island biological field station and eco-community
A community made with the purpose of protecting the environment and human rights in the area through biodiversity conservation action, scientific research and permaculture | Greece | ||
Khula Dharma Eco Village
What brings us together: A PLACE OF AWAKENING “Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind.” Buddah Khula Dhamma – a ... see profile | South Africa | ||
Kuckucksmühle (Cuckoo Mill) is a historical water mill in the North East of Germany, (Branderburg Federal State). We aim to restore the mill and its ... | Germany |
Kulturgut Wintrup
What brings us together: Wir suchen derzeit keine neuen Mitbewohnis. Ab und zu kommt das aber durchaus vor, wenn ihr interesse habt, meldet euch also gerne :-) - gemeinsame ... see profile | Germany |
Lake St Peter Co-op
What brings us together: We all like to share time maintaining gardens, preparing soils, weeding, planting , satking/labelling, thinning. watering, fertilizing naturally, and harvesting. We are open to all ... see profile | Canada |
La Scierie
We are looking to be self-sufficient in food and energy. We are working for The Network, we are connected to the japanese and the french ... | France |
LebensGut Cobstädt
Das sozialökologische Gemeinschaftsprojekt "LebensGut-Cobstädt" wurde Anfang 2004 von einigen jungen Menschen aus Erfurt gegründet. Es versteht sich als kleines Netzwerk von Freunden, Projekten und Wohn- ... | Germany |
LebensGut Frankenthal
Germany | |||
Lebens-Wandel-Schule Hohenlychen
What brings us together: Die Idee den Gesellschaftlichen (kulturellen) weichen Wandel (u.a. im Sinne der Transition-Bewegung und Perma-Kultur,..) zu realisieren, der ein permanent glückliches Leben auf unserem Planeten ermöglicht, ... see profile | Germany | ||
LebWendige Lebenstankstelle
Wir sind eine Gemeinschaft im Aufbau. Vielleicht entwickelt sich unsere Lebenstankstelle auch eher zu einem Begegnungszentrum statt zu einem Ort des gemeinsamen Wohnens. Zentrale Basis ... | Germany | ||
What brings us together: We love the context of radical responsibility and are doing whatever we can to make its thoughtware available to individuals and regenerative communities. More info ... see profile | Germany | ||
Lifechanyuan International Family Thailand Branch
What brings us together: the common belief, shared goals and shared aspirations to protect and beautify the Earth better see profile | Thailand | ||
Lights One Gathering
What brings us together: We will have a beautiful network of spaces running there in a few years,its our aim! And for bigger projects (houses, roofing,etc.) whenever something needs ... see profile | Portugal |
Turkey |
Molino de Guadalmesi
Spain |
Nature Community
We are a community founded in 2016 dedicated to living in and for inner and outer peace. We bought a great holiday area with lots ... | Germany |
Germany |
NeoTribe Gurukulam
What brings us together: Ecological Wisdom, Eco Spirituality, Deep Ecology and Olympuss Doctrine see profile | India | ||
Neue Erde Projekt Hochsauerlandkreis
Germany |
New Oasis for Life, the Second Home
What brings us together: Our values and faith see profile | China |
Nicola Harder
What brings us together: "The more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible." (Charles Eisenstein) We believe that it already exists - in countless small and big projects ... see profile | Germany |
Nirvana in the Himalayas
India | |||
Offener Kommunetreff
What brings us together: Wir wollen, dass es noch viel mehr Gemeinschaften gibt und wir wollen dazu beitragen, indem wir diese Plattform anbieten und indem wir die Methoden, Werkzeuge ... see profile | Germany | ||
Ökodorf Sieben Linden
Germany | |||
Ökodorf Sieben Linden
Germany |
One World Center
What brings us together: Educational goals, pedagogy, world issues, fighting poverty and solidarity see profile | Denmark | ||
Osada Bardo
What brings us together: Ein Pionier-Projekt, in dem man alternative, nahchaltige Lebensstile ausprobieren kann, naeher der Natur sein, die Biodiversitaet als Lebensraum bewust kultivieren, Selbstversorgung in Nahrung und Energii, ... see profile | Poland |
Paradis på jorden
What brings us together: gifteconomy, healing, massage, shamanism, mother earth sacredness, fairy energy, harp music, storytelling...heartspace and more. see profile | |||
Pauliina Helle
What brings us together: Some common interests found in our group are: Simple life down to earth, Do-It-Yourself, recycling materials, living a drug free healthy life, presence with children, ... see profile | Finland | ||
What brings us together: Permagricole is an intentional co-operative community of consciousness and co-existence embedded in values of respect and co-operation. Our aim is to create a culture of ... see profile | France | ||
What brings us together: Living together in nature and regenerating the soil using permaculture methods. see profile | Hungary | ||
Place To Be
Spain |
Podere Il Gabbianino - Die kleine Möwe -
What brings us together: Liebe für die Natur, Musik, Kreiskultur, Nachhaltigkeit see profile | Italy | ||
Pr Nebavec
Projekt 17/18
What brings us together: Uns vereint unsere Verbundenheit mit Spiritualität, die Liebe zur Natur und der Wunsch nach einem selbstbestimmten Leben. Auch sehen wir die momentanen politischen Verhältnisse kritisch ... see profile | |||
projekt wir
Germany |
Quinta das Estrelas Cadentes
Hi dear traveller, I am Simon, Bavarian roots guy with online background and digital nomad for live. I have a paradise land in central Portugal ... | Portugal | ||
Rainbow Village Fiji
Fiji |
Rancho Rompe Cabeza
El Rancho Rompe Cabeza A great welcome to all you people that take a share in this movement of changing the world into a place ... | Spain |
RCL Rainbow Crystal Land Germany
Real-Utopia-Initiative von Schenker-Bewegung
Projekt "Real-Utopia-Initiative von Schenker-Bewegung" - Einzelprojekt 2: "Ganzheitliche Bildungs-(bzw. Kultur-)Werkstatt" ERST ENGLISCH, DANN DEUTSCH: See , and look at for ... | Germany |
Real-Utopia-Projekt (Schenker-Bewegung)
Germany |
refugees welcome
Netherlands |
Reseau Francais des Ecovillages
France |
Resonancia Community
What brings us together: Creating a connected field of trust The primary objective of the "Resonancia Community" is to cultivate a vibrant, interconnected community space founded on trust. We ... see profile | Spain |
Rifiugio del Gigante
Italy |
Schenkkreise Wien
Austria |
Schloss Glarisegg
Seit 2003 gestalten und beleben wir als Gemeinschaft den „Ort für Begegnung und Bewusstsein“ in Schloss Glarisegg am Schweizer Ufer des Bodensees. Wir kommen aus ... | Switzerland | ||
semplice vivere
What brings us together: - hinterfragende Individualisten - ökologische Ausrichtung - UNgeimpft gegen C - undogmatisch -empathisch - kommunikationsstark see profile | |||
Serenity Aguatavar
Germany |
Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone |
Simon Heyn
Germany |
Sinal do Vale
What brings us together: We believe that the best ideas come when diverse perspective converge. Therefore, SINAL is a space for convergence of people with different backgrounds, education, language, ... see profile | Brazil |
Workgroups to organise in the community Selfgoverning Meetings - weekly to reflect, update and decide upon activities to do next week Library - books and ... | |||
In a traditional Romanian village called Stanciova — population 350, western part of Romania, we found our home. The story began around 1999, with an ... | Romania | ||
Strohplatz is a selfreliant place to rest and visit as groups and to follow multiday courses permaculture, non-violent communication, and food forestry. It consists of ... | |||
Suderbyn Ecovillage
Suderbyn Ecovillage is an intentional community of open-minded people from various countries and cultures, located on the island Gotland in the middle of the Baltic ... | Sweden | ||
Surya Kiran Ashram
The purpose of the ashram is to give space for people to grow towards their own inner power and beauty, through collective and individual spiritual ... | Bulgaria | ||
SZG - Socialecological Center G
The SZG is an Project- and Community Space in Mecklenburg Vorpommern. We have around 2000 m² Ground and around 300 m² Indoor-Space. Our Space can ... | Germany |
the mad compost
Denmark | |||
Wir gründen eine anarchistische Kommune. Eine Kommune ohne Spiritualität, Esoterik oder Religion! Auf unserer Internetseite findest du alle wichtigen Informtionen - zu unseren Grundsätzen (s.u.), ... | Germany | ||
Totalism Hackbase
What brings us together: Protocols: see profile | Spain |
What brings us together: die Not :) Im Wesentlichen sind hier Menschen, die auf unterschiedliche Weise Kritik an Zivilisationen verbindet. Dazu kommt das Bestreben, es irgendwie besser zu machen ... see profile | Germany |
What brings us together: A search for a sustainable and healthy life. For more details: You can read more about Tribodar on More ... see profile | Portugal | ||
What brings us together: it`s not easy to say in a few words... better one time visit, than 10 times read see profile | Russian Federation | ||
Vanaprastha Nabais
Portugal |
Vaunumäki (Wagonhill)
Finland |
Visocka Razana
What brings us together: ... see profile | Yugoslavia | ||
Wandelstart Overath
What brings us together: Wandel unserer Umgebung und Stadt in eine nachhaltige enkeltaugliche liebevolle Gemeinschaft see profile | Germany |
Für mich bedeutet Leben, in Wesseslinden Teil eines offenen, ökologischen und nachhaltigen Non-Profit Projekts zu sein. Es ist ein Versuch, Leben im Miteinander zu einem ... | Germany | ||
WeTheFuture is building a parallel economic model that starts at the houses in which we live. The connected houses with its stewards could stretch across ... | Bulgaria | ||
Windberg Gemeinschaft
Wir sind eine Gruppe von Menschen in Gemeinschaftsbildung und verstehen uns als generationsübergreifendes Projekt, vernetzt mit anderen Gemeinschaften und den Menschen der Umgebung. Ein außergewöhnlich ... | Germany | ||
Wir bauen Zukunft
Um dem Anspruch einer Keimzelle einer zukunftsfähigen Gesellschaft auch wirklich gerecht werden zu können, werden auf dem 10 Hektar großen Areal des Geländes mittelfristig die ... | Germany | ||
World Music House
Korea, Republic of |
Brazil |
Yeryüzü ecovillage
Our eco-village association currently has 17 members. Organization has a horizontal relation to community. Consensus decision-making is the model we use. We are looking for ... | Turkey |
What brings us together: Relationships where people can share their time, skills and resources unconditionally. see profile |