El Rancho Rompe Cabeza

A great welcome to all you people that take a share in this movement of changing the world into a place of harmony, self-expression and creativity!!

Here in the heart of the Alpujarra Granadina right on the bank of the Rio Guadalfeo there is an old horse farm that waits to be transformed into a communal centre of arts, education, creativity, spirituality and extasy.

There are huge numbers of communities and projects in the valley, starting with the most famous: Beneficio, which is in a one-hour foot-walk-distance. However, there are many many more bigger and smaller community projects with different focus: Spirituality, Permaculture, Yoga, Education, Political.... all together forming this extraordinary area.

People from all across the world had been settling down over decades. Integration seems to have worked out pretty well as foreigners and locals exist in a beautiful symbiosis, both benefitting from each other.

The Rancho is set on the outermost part of the small and tranquil village of Los Tablones. There is a really nice school here and a seed bank. The way further down along the river, it is a 7 minutes walk to the community of Sigarones, which features a quite famous midwife school with people from many continents, either giving birth or learning alternative ways to support and encourage women giving birth. Apart from that the community is far from being homogenous. There is space for many characters and many different models of living and focus to set, united among a peace- and respectful way of coexisting and interacting.

It is a one-storey house of a total of around 300 squaremeters from which half of it is for living and the other half for workshops. There is also no cellar. In the front of the house is a garden ofaround 2000 squaremeters devided into three terraces. The house itself is hardly more than a ruin. There are, however, walls and a roof - which is basically the thing. All the other things have to be done, which means on the one hand - lots of work, on the other hand - lots a space for ideas. There is space for five small workshops or Ateliers. I, myself, am a producer of mind games like labyrinths, puzzles, trick locks, etc. As I need only one workshop, there are four more to be used. It would be beautiful to have a small donation Cafe or something similar in there. Also space for workshops, theatre, dance, etc. There is as well enough space for a garden. The farm is connected to the Acequia and public water as well as electricity.

The Rancho Rompe Cabeza is supposed to be place that supports people in creativity and mental improvement, as well as simply a good place to having a good time along a camp fire. It is supposed to become a cultural place for locals and foreigners in all their diversity to meet and exchange...

For the organizational structure I am pretty open minded. For me it is important to have the orkshop to have my production. Furthermore it is not very likely that I ll be there more than 6 months a year within the next years (probably 3 or 4 month). I am open for models like renting the place for free (just your costs for electricity and water and the basic costs for the house) in exchange for your creativity and will to turn this place into something beautiful!!!

What brings this community together

The Rancho is supposed to be a place of creativity and self - expression. It is full of opportunities to turn ideas into reality

