"met her many times at our emigrating meeting network days (talks" read more
written for Ladybirdninja on Nov. 19, 2015"I came to film for a documentary (My Key To Happy - www.whoisdallasthornton/mykeytohappy) and was blown away by the generosity and kindness of the ..." read more
Received giftsWe are a dedicated team working for the vision of a gift economy network that connects people and sustainable communities - A network that connects needs with available gifts, facilitating the exchange of knowledge, services and resources.
ecobasa started in 2011. In 2014 we relaunched the platform and co-organized many Community-Tours and Communities-Convergences since then, all based on gift-economy.
To keep the platform running, we need your support, because our business model is based enterely on gift-economy!
Happy giving!