The purpose of the ashram is to give space for people to grow towards their own inner power and beauty, through collective and individual spiritual practices and by karma yoga, which means dedicated work throughout the day.
We offer on top our guidance and experience in transforming the jungles of your mind and emotional bodies into blossoming gardens…

We are non dogmatic; LOVE is our religion....
we love Baba, Amma, Jesus, Allah... and of course - our brothers and sisters all on the journey to oneness.. We have a spiritual Mother and Father who are the guides and inspirations to the ashram. Amma (Amritanandamayi Mata) and Babaji (Haidakhan Baba)...
It is their teachings we follow and try to embody.

What brings this community together

With devoted practice, discipline and humility and using the qualities of Truth, Simplicity and Love, as well as the vehicles of karma and bhakti yoga we are heading for the direction of Oneness. To know our Ultimate Nature, live and share it in our every day lives and help people find their Inner Truth is our mission...


What can you learn here

  • discipline
  • live from heart
  • let go of judgements and limitations
  • gardening
  • meditation
  • quiet the mind
  • surrender
  • connect with nature
  • Eco-construction
  • yoga
  • vegan cooking
  • working together
  • friendship
  • self-control
  • healthy living
  • sense of life
  • common life
  • direct action
  • spirituality
  • Natural-Building
  • Community-Building
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  • Yoga
  • Counseling
  • Meditation
  • vegan cooking
  • Spirituality
  • Joy
  • Music
  • Natural Living
  • Bhakti
  • Dance Meditation
  • energy treatements
  • Herbal remedies
  • intuitive healing
  • healing
  • Karma Yoga
  • Devotional Singing
  • Life Coaching
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Products and Creations

  • herbs
  • music
  • veggies
  • vegetable preserved
  • wild plant infusions
  • preserves
  • Coaching Sessions
  • wild plant pesto
  • salves
  • vegan Food
  • dreamcatchers
  • art
  • Jam
  • herbal tea
  • healing
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Life in the ashram is based on the Yogic principles of wellbeing, and in order to come in touch with your own inner guidance, you will be expected to adjust to the ashram rhythm. That means, getting up early in the morning, shower, your own (if any) practice, attending common spiritual practice, karma yoga and so on.

Typical daily schedule:
(The timings depend on the season, usually wake up time is between 5-6:30 AM)

Wake up, shower
Time for personal practice: yoga, meditation, etc
Morning devotional program, puja, common prayers and kirtan, (1 - 1,5 hr)
Karma yoga (2 -3 hr)
Karma yoga (2-3 hr)
Afternoon break
Evening devotional program, aarti and kirtan, (1-1,5hr)
Relax, satsang
Sleep (around 10-11pm)

On Sundays there is a fire ceremony (havan) at 10am , and usually due to this celebratory mood we take it more easy during the day.

Once/twice per week you will get a day off to feel and follow your own rhythm.

Workshop and factoring spaces

not yet.


Projects/Construction Sites

We continuously have construction projects going on. Help and expertise with eco-construction would be appreciated, however good intentions and willingness to learn is sometimes also enough!!

Your help will mostly be outdoors. Therefore the tasks we can offer very much also depend on weather conditions.
-In the garden: cutting grass, weeding, watering, planting etc
-Around the house & existing buildings: cleaning, cooking and so on
-General land maintenance with simple down-to-earth tools
-Building new spaces using clay, wood, natural materials. There are many projects in eco construction for the coming few years so you will be kept busy!! :)

- And this is only on the outer level- you will also be met with and confronted with your own shadows that ask for clearance, topics and issues will naturally emerge that need your loving attention, so besides the outer work you might also find yourself doing a lot of inner work...

Experts/People with the following skills

  • rocket stove
  • gardening
  • cob building
  • permaculture
  • eco building


  • Compost
  • Yoga matts
  • Kompost