Erdumdrehung e.V.


What can you learn here

  • Low-Tech
  • Primitive Technology
  • Natural-Building
  • Permaculture
  • building
  • Bicycle-Construction
  • Agroforst
  • pedagogy
  • Eco-construction
  • construction
  • survival-skills
  • Mauern
  • Composting
  • Garden-planning
  • Animal Keeping
  • Bowdrill Firestarting
  • Cheese Making
  • Dairy Production
  • Forrestry
  • Holistic Management
  • Horticulture
  • crafting
  • preserving
  • wood working
  • Sheep Management
  • wilderness awareness
  • baking
  • cooking
  • gardening
  • soap-making
  • carpentery
  • Brot backen
  • permakultureller Gartenbau
  • Umgang mit Kindern
  • Käserei
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Products and Creations

  • Cheese
  • Wood Carvings
  • Fine Wooden Spoons
  • Soap
  • Wooden Bowls
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We offer regular workshops for school kids and other groups. Gardening, Outdoor Kitchen, Outdoor Survival, Cheese Making.

Workshop and factoring spaces

We have a big barn with 80sqm. Roofed outdoor space with another 80sqm. 20sqm workshop with workbench. All tools for woodwork, metalwork provided. Welding Machine.


Projects/Construction Sites

If you want, you are welcome to stay with us for 2 months. We are good with teaching, you can deepen your learning for a longer period.
Ali is away for one week workshops once a while and it would be great if you can continue construction projects on your own after a while of introduction. Franziska also needs support with our 3 children, while Ali is away. (6, 8, 11 years old)
On top of that we have several projects that you can take care of on your own if you want:

Permaculture Gardening: Planting, Mulching, Harvesting
Tiny Houses
Community House

Experts/People with the following skills

  • Gärtner
  • gardening
  • Bauingenieure
  • Baufachleute
  • Bauen
  • Kochen
  • Haushalt
  • Children Care
  • Kinderbetreuung