geschrieben von Arne Bollinger am 13. September 2016 15:28:37

Gift-Ambassador Training

We hosted a 5 day training for Gift-Ambassadors in Amalurra community, Spain. They offered us a beautiful hotel with spa, restaurant and coffee place, along with some nice conference rooms and equipment. We were asked to pay just the costs of our food. What a nice gift!

Around 19 people from 10 countries worked together, learning and sharing tools needed to use gift-economy in projects, communities or organisations.
Together with us, the participants organised a gift-circle open to all residents and guests of Amalurra, where wishes and offers were matched in a creative, fun and playful way. It was a beautiful day and the first gift-economy event for Amalurra! We also set up a gift-box for the community, where we found new things every day, even a mobile phone and some money :) We taught the participants the very basics of Sociocracy 3.0 to self-organise the training with us and the network later on. We also covered some empowered fundraising, so the gift-ambassadors can sustain their work for the gift-economy network with donations.

They are going to set up gift-economy events in their communities and networks, like the gift-circle.

We produced a first draft of a handout, to help the new ambassadors with their work, have a look here.

