Themenbereich für die Gemeinschafts-Forschungs-Tour

written by Philou on 9. Mai 2022 17:04:40 in gemeinschafts-forschung-tour-2022

gemeinsame Werte u Vison > sozialer Vertrag

gemeinsame Vision

gemeinsame Werte


Arbeit für die Gemeinschaft


politisches Wirken/Selbstverständnis


rechtliche Organisation



Werkzeuge und Methoden







Bewusste Zeiten und/oder Räume für Stille, Arbeit, Kreatives etc.

(Un-)Gerechtigkeiten > Umgang mit gesellschaftlicher/kollektiver Prägung




junge Menschen / Kinder

Beziehung, Liebe, Sex

Spiritualität / Mythologie

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Ciumare Ranni Vallone Italy Sicily

Now in Sicily

written by Freja Friborg on 20. Januar 2017 11:59:57 in travelwithchildren





Last goodbye to the family in Primiero (missing Gianni, the photographer)

About time for an update!

Finding time with computer and electricity and internet while having a boy around is not so easy after all!

So we left Primiero Valley the 27th of December after spending Christmas with family.

First stop was the Garda Lake, where we were surprised by the warm weather already and lots of lemons sweet oranges on the trees. Our first foraging!











Limone Sul Garda














Willow ...

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camper italy

Almost ready to go

written by Freja Friborg on 5. Dezember 2016 15:14:40 in travelwithchildren

Our wheat harvest :)

So now we got the camper back from the mechanic. It needed a few adjustments, but it ended up taking a bit longer than expected.
Well everything has so far taken longer than expected! But instead of stressing, now I am just enjoying the last times of actually having a house! It is getting really cold out, so its easy to feel comfortable in front of the fire :)
That being said, it also makes us want to ...

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La comunidad está creciendo

written by Arne Bollinger on 15. Februar 2016 01:29:23 in comunidad-rodante

The community is rolling again!

Well not quite, the bus is missing.. but Arne and Delci arrived in Colombia and joined la comunidad!
We have meetings every day, started learning about sociocracy and already agreed on some policies!
We spoke about possible communities we want to visit and invitations that we already got.
We prepared our presentation of ecobasa and comunidad rodante for the minkalab conference that starts soon.
We took an amazing hike to the jungle in the sierra ...

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Last preparation meeting

written by Arne Bollinger on 24. September 2015 10:20:31 in comunidad-rodante

We just met for the last time in Germany, before Tobi is heading off to Colombia.
You can read our protocol here, but it is mostly in german and short notes for us to remember..
We spoke about the necessary traveling preparations like visa, route, gadgets and of course the bus.
With your donations we can already buy a small car at least, that would be better than nothing to transport our ...

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a little seed was planted...

written by Tobias on 26. April 2015 15:02:44 in comunidad-rodante

Also check out our website

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communities-convergence conference community networking

Greetings from the green-phoenix

written by Andrei Iuroaia on 27. November 2014 15:02:16 in senor-franz-the-bumblebee

As a part of my second communtiy-tours, I went to Schweibenalp community in Switzerland. I took part in the green phoenix conference, representing the gift-economy network and the communities-convergence.

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Greta's Community-Tour

written by Andrei Iuroaia on 17. November 2014 15:24:33 in senor-franz-the-bumblebee

Greta talks about her experiences and learnings from the community-tours!

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Tribodar community eco-building

Bamboo canes

written by Delciza Naghiu on 12. Oktober 2014 00:00:00 in communibee-2

In tribodar the working week is being planned on Saturdays. Sunday and Monday are eco-building days, followed by garden-work days. In the field of eco-building, Moabi and Gennaro told us which are the current projects and each of us could choose an activity.

I was part of the bamboo cane-team, as I was curious how the bamboo grows, how you cut it without damaging the plant and how you prepare it for use in constructions. The picture shows the last ...

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healing community Tribodar

Healing day

written by Delciza Naghiu on 10. Oktober 2014 22:36:43 in communibee-2

Today was the perfect day for arriving, as friday (or free day in tribodar language) is healing day here. The morning started with yoga, followed by a delicious breakfast. At 12 we had a cacao ceremony that stefan offered, with raw cacao from guatemala. It was a very heart-opening ritual, after which some people started a massage circle and others dancing in the sun. I could also take time for myself in the sun, which was highly needed after constantly ...

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community urban-communities-convergence Tribodar

Bemvenidos a Tribodar!

written by Delciza Naghiu on 10. Oktober 2014 22:35:47 in communibee-2

Yesterday we finally arrived to tribodar, a small portuguese community between porto and lisboa, where a friend of us, elena lives. She presented the community at the Urban Communities Convergence this summer in Berlin and we decided to take on her invitation and visit as soon as possible. I love tribodar's name which comes from tribe and gift, so a good omen for our project! we had a warm welcome from moabi and gennaio, who live here, chris, who ...

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written by Arne Bollinger on 8. Oktober 2014 00:00:00 in communibee-2

After our midnight bath at the thermal springs, we drove into the nature to find a place to sleep, near the end of the road, by the last village in the mountains, we saw a sign saying "Dinosaurios". As we followed that sign up the mountain, the road started getting really adventurous. At some point we thought we will actually really find some dinosaurs up in this deserted mountains. We drove for like 20 minutes and stopped, near the top ...

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Full moon in Arnedillo

written by Delciza Naghiu on 8. Oktober 2014 00:00:00 in communibee-2

After a very relaxing day spent on the French coast of the atlantic, enjoing the sun and connecting to the water, we decided to drive on and enjoy the full moon night in a special place. I knew just the perfect place and the group trusted me with the surprise, so we drove to Arnedillo, in the north of Spain. There are natural hot water springs, whose temperature has between 20 and 32 degrees, so actually it's perfect to ...

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Back to my roots

written by Arne Bollinger on 7. Oktober 2014 19:36:51 in communibee-2

The first station of our tour was my parents place, where i grew up. Not really a community, but i guess my ideas for this project must have their roots here also..
My father always had a nice garden and over the years it grew bigger and bigger, all around the house. The neighbors actually gave their land to him to expand his kingdom of eadible goods and beauty. Since i know him he is always cooking marmelades, hot sauce ...

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Community-Tours 2.0: And we're on the road again!

written by Delciza Naghiu on 5. Oktober 2014 20:31:01 in communibee-2

7 people, 5 countries, 1 bus: this is the communibee 1 right now on the way to portugal. We are fully packed with camping stuff, instruments, a lot of delicious food from the garden of arne's parents and even a surfing board! And of course gifts for the communities we visit. Even if we have a desttination, the way is our goal, we go with the flow and the energy feels good.

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Country roads, take me home

written by Arne Bollinger on 25. August 2014 04:29:42 in communibee-1

I am now on the road back "home" to berlin.
I just woke up from my dreams that were still related to the convergence.
People were cooking and i was asking if it is vegan and they said: 99%, but we put a bit of meat inside..
When i was analyzing the meaning, i was comming back to my key learning of the convergence:
Our actions always have an effect on others. We are not alone. There are other people ...

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danube CC community aurora community communities convergence

Aurora community - near Lunca Cernii de sus, Romania

written by Andrei Iuroaia on 14. August 2014 00:00:00 in senor-franz-the-bumblebee

Our arrival at Aurora community was just a few days before the 2nd Danube CC but we had a few friends with us and of course our friends from Aurora. So we started setting up the CC, buying food, stocking wood, bringing supplies from the city, building a tent covered dining and workshop area and preparing the logistics, role descriptions, schedule and all the printed materials to give self organization a healthy and effective form.

We also took time to ...

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More people for the convergence!

written by Arne Bollinger on 12. August 2014 00:00:00 in communibee-1

Andrei and me where doing another announcement in the lunch circle, for a workshop that i wanted to do since i was starting the gift-economy thing. The "anything, anytime connection workshop". It is a funny wordplay, because in rainbows we say first time food and when there is plenty left "anytime". Whenever you are looking for anything, you just put connection after it and scream that. Usually you will get it immideatly.
We did a talking circle where we first ...

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gift economy rainbow gathering europe

European Rainbow Gathering, near Sacuieu Romania

written by Andrei Iuroaia on 5. August 2014 00:00:00 in senor-franz-the-bumblebee

We arrived at the rainbow gathering! It is really a sight to see. Around 1500 people at its peak, people from across all continents. An inspiration and impulse for Romania and an opportunity for many foreigners to connect with the gift of rural traditional culture still alive in this part of the world.

.Here we met with our friends form other caravans and also with many friends form Romania, Germany, Hungary and other countries.

We organized 2 workshops about the ...

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gift-economy Brasov Romania

Small garden work

written by Arne Bollinger on 4. August 2014 19:51:58 in communibee-1

Today i built a compost for Delcis mom as they dont have any recycling or waste separation and a nice little garden.
I told her what she can put inside and how to take care of it. I had to make a little way so she can access it easy from the kitchen.
Therefor i had to tie up a big leafy bush with two recycled nylon stockings - very good material!
Delcis Mom also gave me some saint johns worth ...

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permaculture cob house eco-building volunteering NVC peacework community

La Gugu community - near Suncuius, Romania

written by Andrei Iuroaia on 3. August 2014 00:00:00 in senor-franz-the-bumblebee

We arrived at La Gugu a beautiful young community innitiative created by Sabin Muresan and Ina Curic both peaceworkers that came back to romania after 10 years of service in conflict and post conflict areas across the globe.

The project is an emarging base for their work of community building, non violent communication (NVC) and work with youth - like boy and girl scouts. They are building a cob house with green roof, growing 2 permaculture gardens, an orchard and setting ...

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exchange seed

Seed exchange across the border

written by Andrei Iuroaia on 3. August 2014 00:00:00 in senor-franz-the-bumblebee

3 Aug 2014

As we entered Romania we camped in the heart of a village an hour away from the border. The next morning we realised where we were. As the cows gathered there to go to the field we slept but later we woke up in the warm reception of the friendly family living nearby.

The grandmother share with us cake made by her niece as well as coffe, fresh water from their well and finally as we started ...

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Sick in Brasov

written by Arne Bollinger on 2. August 2014 00:00:00 in communibee-1

I went with Delci to Brasov to see her parents, as she only had a limited holiday time.
We went around the old city and it was cool for me to see where and how she grew up.
It was the first bigger city i saw in Romania and i was impressed by the beauty, as until now i was shocked at first by the look of everything, compared to western europe. In the last years apparently the city got ...

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community permaculture

Pr Nebavec community - near Litjia, Slovenia

written by Andrei Iuroaia on 1. August 2014 00:00:00 in senor-franz-the-bumblebee

Pr Nebavec is a community permaculture farm where 3 people live permanantly and many guests and friends visit and participate.
They have several permaculture gardens and have organized the whole estate to function in this way.
Being virtually self sufficient food wise they spent very little money and actually have a common pot where all of them contribute.
There are also other alternative living projects in the extended are with which they are connected and they also collaborate with the ...

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On the Rainbow

written by Arne Bollinger on 30. Juli 2014 00:00:00 in communibee-1

We spent our first night on the rainbow. It is a very beautiful place in nature, like always on rainbow gatherings.
What was amazing was: Almost all the people we talked to already, that must have been around 20, where interested in community-life, self-organisation and gift-economy. Half of them is traveling right now between communities, has done so in the last months or wants to go on traveling. So i guess if we set up a community-tours camp here a ...

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permaculture community eco-building

Visiting the neighbourhood of Ecovillage Istria

written by Andrei Iuroaia on 30. Juli 2014 00:00:00 in senor-franz-the-bumblebee

As I said previously the neighboring projects are also amazing. The one called Krone was the first initiative started locally by Nara and others. There you can see a small caravan village with permaculture gardens, flousrishing wilderness, humanure systems, stone fridges, and speces were yurts had been assembled. The beauty of the place and the simple conforts are heart warming.

But the initial alternative impulse was given by their neighbor who has build an amazing gardens fool of stone artwork ...

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Under the Rainbow

written by Arne Bollinger on 29. Juli 2014 00:00:00 in communibee-1

When we where driving into the first villages in romania, the sky started to get a little dark at one side.
One minute later we saw a beautiful rainbow all accross the sky while it was still really sunny, no sign of rain.
We where driving in the middle of a valley and the rainbow was perfectly over us, we could even see the ends of it to our sides! I was joking that we could stop now to look ...

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gift-economy camping nature hospitality

The old Hungarian

written by Arne Bollinger on 28. Juli 2014 00:00:00 in communibee-1

Yesterday we spent the whole day driving through Austria and Hungary. We made a nice piqnique under a big tree on a big meadow and had a good nap in the shadow.
In the evening we stopped not far from the romanian border next to a nice river in Hungary. We were looking for the next place to spend the night and ended up on a little campground in the middle of a prestine forrest with tall birch trees and ...

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research ecovillage eco-building community permaculture humanure

Ecovillage Isatria - near Koper, Slovenia

written by Andrei Iuroaia on 27. Juli 2014 00:00:00 in senor-franz-the-bumblebee

Our caravan 'Senor Franz the bumblebee' arrived in Slovenian Istria to visit the Ecovillage with the same name. It was a beautiful and inspiring visit.
There we exchanged seeds and started helping out in the garden, building more compost toilets, cleaning up the ruined house which was being re-build and refurbished with eco-materials and technology and also connected with the guests and project members.

The ecovillage is just 30 minutes away from an older community project and yet another alternative ...

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PAN gifts

Leaving PAN with gifts

written by Arne Bollinger on 26. Juli 2014 00:00:00 in communibee-1

We gave a presentation about our project in front of the whole community. They really liked our ideas and approach and it was very close to their own vision. They also believed that they have a lot of experience and wisdom to share with other communities to be able to exist sufficiently as a community in a gift-economy.
They already practice gift-economy internally of course and they are looking forward to exchange more with other communities.
When we asked if ...

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In the kingdom of PAN

written by Delciza Naghiu on 25. Juli 2014 19:25:56 in communibee-1

As we found out in the last 2 days spent here, Pan is not only the god of the wild, shepherds, goats, mountain wilds and companion of the nymphs, but also a very nice project in the middle of all of these. We were heartly welcomed although it was very short notice that we come and have lived in the last 2 days in luxurious conditions (own room with shower), had great food from the garden and received a nice ...

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self-sufficiency programming PAN software

PAN Review

written by Arne Bollinger on 25. Juli 2014 00:00:00 in communibee-1

I heard a lot about PAN. I met Emanuel, who grew up in the community in Schloss Tempelhof about a year ago. He told amazing things about his community and i was very curious if he is just lacking comparison to other communities or if it is really that amazing.
Well, my expectations were exceeded. It is truly incredible what they built there in the high forrest of Austria.
Apparently they had a good hand and timing with business too ...

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PAN community gardening permaculture

Gardeners wanted

written by Arne Bollinger on 24. Juli 2014 00:00:00 in communibee-1

In our first day at PAN we were taken to the fields right away in the morning, together with a large part of the community.
We were going all together on the back of a tractor trailer.
We were sent in a potato field to pick some potato bugs that were eating the mono culture.
Thomas our newest Caravan member had a good tip to speed up the work: Shake the whole plants inside a bucket and the bugs will ...

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community-tours nomads community

Community travellers gathering - near Wemding, south Germany

written by Andrei Iuroaia on 23. Juli 2014 00:00:00 in senor-franz-the-bumblebee

After the GEN Conference we split into caravans and smaller groups. I am part of one that traveled first to an organic antroposophic family farm in Mecklemburg 2 hours north of Berlin and afterwards we traveled again to Berlin and onward south to Bavaria where we had more cars and buses waiting for us. Organization and planning are needed but without flexibility and adaptation the flow stops.

In Bavaria close to Wemding we prepared the new vehicles took some gifts ...

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PAN replies

written by Arne Bollinger on 22. Juli 2014 00:00:00 in communibee-1

I wrote to Emanuel who i met on the GEN Germany foundation meeting who was born and grew up in the PAN ecovillage.
We where really worried because it was a last second notice, this is his reply:
Hallo Arne!

Echt lustig, hab grad Mittag noch an dich gedacht und schon stehst du quasi vor der Tür... freu mich echt, dass ihr kommt!
Ja, genau, ihr seid herzlichst willkommen morgen bei uns und eingeladen zumindest mal bis Dienstag zu bleiben ...

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written by Arne Bollinger on 21. Juli 2014 00:00:00 in communibee-1

We finally bought our bus today!
By surprise we got the news at a festival near Berlin on the weekend, that we can buy a bus from Fabi. He is a not only the coolest guy in the world, but also a car mechanic, so we can trust him that the bus is in a good shape.
In a total frenzy we had to get insurance, papers and plates for the car in one day! That in germany is usually ...

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ZEGG global ecovillage network

GEN Conference at ZEGG community - Bad Belzig, north Germany

written by Andrei Iuroaia on 12. Juli 2014 00:00:00 in senor-franz-the-bumblebee

The conference received around 400 participants from over 50 countries representing many, many ecovillage and sustainability projects.
We presented the community tours projects and our current pilot project phase as well as the Danube and Urban communities convergences and ecobasa.
There were many people interested and the collaboration with GEN the organization and the GEN extended family was fruitful as always.

A very inspiring and empowereing first stop in the tour. From here on we split into more groups.

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communities convergence self-organization community tours

community tours pilot project starts

written by Andrei Iuroaia on 9. Juli 2014 00:00:00 in senor-franz-the-bumblebee

We started to travel from the Urban Communities Convergence to the Global Ecovillage Network gathering in ZEGG.
We are currently organizing vehicles, groups and routes. Self organization is a huge learning opportunity for grass roots action.
Several touring groups are going to travel to Romania in parallel to interconnect communities through gift economy!

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