geschrieben von Arne Bollinger am 30. Mai 2018 13:39:37

ecobasa Hackathon

We had the first public hackathon for ecobasa!
Together with we put our repositories on to be open-source and enable other people to join us in the co-creation of internet software for a better world.
We had a great time and nice little developer group experience in parallel to the makers 4 humanity lab. While others where talking a lot about what to do, we had the feeling we were actually already doing it and working on the change. Thanks again to the team of, Sascha, Simon and Enno and Jon and Johannes from ecobytes who joined the hackathon, you are heroes of the web and a new culture of unconditional support! And a very special thanks to Thea, who helped organising the hackathon.

For the geeks: we set up a new repository with dokku, so it easier for you to set up the site on your local machine and start hacking! Also this runs now with dokker our staging server. Actually it is two repositories, one is an official fork of and the other one is an added ecobasa submodule with all the gift-economy magic.
We still have to swap out the models, customize the frontend and migrate the data from the old platform. Please get in contact with us, if you want to volunteer for the sustainable gift-economy network.

