

Hi, my name is Sandro :)

After finishing my studies in "Management of Social Innovations", I didn't want to start into the "normal" big city life, so I put some of my things in a little trolley and started a journey by foot . I wanted to find a way of living that is sustainable, connected to nature and a community of people, and that at the same time makes me happy (That's how I came up with the name: Sustainability + happy = SustainHAPPYlity ;) ...which is also the name of my blog - unfortunately right now just in German...)

Since my start from Munich in May 2014 I've visited many different community projects and projects in the field of self sufficiency in Bavaria and Austria and am totally amazed about my learnings and experiences. It wasn't always easy but also the hard parts had some value and helped me growing...

After a pretty intense and demanding time at a community project in the winter of 2014/2015 I changed my strategy and now have kind of a base camp in Austria from where I visit projects in Austria by train and bus. I'm also thinking about travelling to countries in the south and south-west of Europe, but haven't done that yet.

I'm also already building on my next transport vehicle, which will be a super-lightweight caravan that I can carry with an e-bike. I hope it will work :)

AND!: I'm also making a film right now about the last one and a half years of my journey, for which I'm still searching for support!
More information and a small trailer you can find here:






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