Transition Heathrow is a grassroots action group working to build resilient Heathrow communities, capable of collectively coping with the injustices and threats of the economic, ecological and democratic crises.
Our objective is to build permanent and sustainable communities within threatened areas to offer and show a viable alternative to the bulldozing of green spaces, houses, lives and history.
We aim to promote, green, living, working fellowships – equipped to deal with the impacts of climate change and peak oil – controlled by those directly affected by expansion plans – the Heathrow workers and residents.
This, in turn, empowers the community and helps it fight the profit-driven decisions imposed by Governments and corporations, rather than simply suffering the consequences.

Grow Heathrow / Transition Heathrow has been around for over 6 years now and has grown into a little eco village / synergy hub

Lo que trae a esta comunidad

Transition Heathrow hopes to bring together the democratic innovation of the Transition Town network and environmental direct activism.

Combined with the tenacious resistance of local communities, the project aims to grow resilience that not only can see off future threats, but can also bring Heathrow communities together to secure a better life for all.


¿Qué se puede aprender aquí

  • Personal-Empowerment
  • Creative Resistance
  • Mediation
  • Networking
  • Police Liaison
  • Entertainment
  • community organiser
  • direct action
  • legal observer
  • Permaculture
  • Living-Theater
Añadir una habilidad que aprendió aquí con una reseña


  • shared economy
  • Transition
  • Ecosophy
  • Urban-Gardening
Añadir un servicio que ofrecen con una opinión

Productos y Creaciones

  • Workshops
  • Survival-Trainings
  • Empowerment-Athmosphere
  • Videos
  • Seminare
Añadir un producto que usted recibió con una opinión

