Ecovillage ESC Volunteering GEN IT Youth-Exchange Volunteering Erasmus website features ESC Volunteering ESC Volunteering eco-village volunteering EVS Erasmus+ Zegg Youth Exchange Erasmus+ Zegg Youth Exchange mobile app networking open-source collaboration platform open-source platform hackathon hackathon platform open-source gift-circle networking Events Gift-economy Gift-economy EDE Events Switzerland Schloss Glarisegg Denmark Youth Exchange ecovillages Events materials manuals flyer Gift-Ambassadors Video Media youtube Tech website Media Radio Awards Media Press Gift-economy Events Workshop Gift-Ambassadors Media Events Press youtube Spain GEN Sociocracy ecovillages Gift-Ambassadors Italy Workshop Events Gift-Ambassadors Spain tech website video Month of Giving gift-economy gift interview events gift-economy Month of Giving video interview sociocracy Month of Giving gift dragon-dreaming gift-economy website gift-economy Month of Giving gift Month of Giving video gift-economy Giving Tuesday Month of Giving gifts gift Month of Giving pay-it-forward gift-economy Month of Giving radio gift Media Month of Giving Radio gift video video gift-economy communities gift-economy gifts gifts video gift-economy gifts Month of Giving gifts Month of Giving gift-economy Giving Tuesday Month of Giving Giftmob gift-economy event givetivism gifts website tech Newsletter event gifts Month of Giving tech gift-economy tech seeds gift-economy gift-auction seed-exchange event event gift-circle gift-auction Schenkökonomie Press Media Interview community sociocracy gift gift-economy gift-auction event gift gift-economy Month of Giving gifts your gifts keep us giving tech community gifts community networking gift-auction events gift-circle gift-economy
Ecovillage ESC Volunteering GEN IT

Volunteering for Global Ecovillage Network Europe European Solidarity Corps (ESC)

written by Arne Bollinger on 4 de Enero de 2022 a las 09:00 in ecobasa

Funded volunteering: Use your enthusiasm for ecovillages and skills and live in Arterra Bizimodu ecovillage, Spain, at the heart of the European Ecovillage Network!

Start date: between 1st March 2022 and 1st of April 2022

Duration: 9/10 months

Places: 4

ESC CEND: This long-term ESC project was designed for 4 enthusiastic young people age 17-30 who are interested in ecovillages and sustainable living, and who want to gain experience and participate in network activities such as communications, organising the ...

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Youth-Exchange Volunteering Erasmus

Erasmus funded youth exchange Trans Istra Eco Journey is looking for participants

written by Arne Bollinger on 26 de Julio de 2021 a las 08:23 in ecobasa

We will discover the beauties of Istra in a slow and environmentally friendly way. We will travel from one place to the next mostly by walking. By sharing this journey, participants will build a traveling community, taking care of each other; meet with others in a new context, in a setting that promotes cooperation and can lead to life-long lasting friendships.

We will visit some examples of sustainable practice, so we’ll get a wider view of possible social and ...

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How to get started with gift economy

written by Arne Bollinger on 10 de Mayo de 2020 a las 08:46 in ecobasa

Tamasins personal approach on how to introduce gift-economy into your life.

See the full interview with Tamasin, sharing her experiences with gift-economy here:
Nature is a gift-economy with Tamasin:

Playlist of more how to start gift-economy videos:

Support our work with a donation:

Follow us on facebook:

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Interview with Tamasin

written by Arne Bollinger on 10 de Mayo de 2020 a las 08:44 in ecobasa

Tamasin Drisdale is sharing her experiences living in and setting up gift-economy communities and projects in her life. I interviewed her on Minka Lab in Colombia 2015.

From our wonderful youtube channel

More Videos with Tamasin:

Nature is a gift-economy with Tamasin:

Tamasin on how to get started with gift-economy in your life:


Please support the project with a donation: ...

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website features

Sponsored by Corona: A new startpage and features!

written by Arne Bollinger on 9 de Abril de 2020 a las 14:33 in ecobasa

ecobasa has been a sleeping beauty the last years. Mainly because I was in baby break and could not even coordinate the volunteer requests aside my different day jobs.
As now in the crisis a few jobs have been cancelled I also have time and dedication to continue this amazing project!
It has been time for a fresh startpage that explains the main features quickly and raises more attention to our search function that enables you to crowdsource everything you ...

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ESC Volunteering

Volunteering in Slovenia

written by Arne Bollinger on 6 de Marzo de 2020 a las 15:01 in ecobasa

ESC payed volunteering in Farm Veles, Slovenia from April - October 2020
Food, accommodation and a monthly allowance are fully covered by the program.

We have 1 PLACE still to offer. This is a project under the European Solidarity Corps program for young people (18-30 years) that would like to volunteer home or abroad. In our case on the farm, for a sustainable organization, for long term (7 months).
More info you can find here:

Don ...

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ESC Volunteering

Volunteering in Sieben Linden, Germany

written by Arne Bollinger on 6 de Diciembre de 2019 a las 15:35 in ecobasa

Stay in one of Germanys oldest ecovillages Sieben Linden for 8 months for free from March to October 2020. Volunteers will have health-insurance, full board and lodging covered, travel-expenses reimbursed and they will receive an amount of 5 Euro pocket-money per day.

Each volunteer has two different working areas with different main focus (please apply for your favorite):

sustainable food (25h/week) OR
sustainable education (25h/week) *
+ Individual projects (7,5h/week - free choice)

Allocation of working hours to tasks ...

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Payed volunteering in greece

written by Arne Bollinger on 12 de Mayo de 2019 a las 09:52 in ecobasa

Free and Real is looking for one applicant from each of the following countries:

Cyprus, Sweden, Germany, Lithuania, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Romania, Portugal and France!

Free and Real – Creating Sustainable Communities Together, is a 2 month (short term) European Solidarity Corps (ex.EVS) placement, part of the Erasmus plus program, that will take place at FreeandReal in Evia Island, Greece, starting July 20th 2019. The main focus of the specific program will be eco-building, sustainable development and ...

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eco-village volunteering EVS

Payed volunteering in an ecovillage in Spain

written by Arne Bollinger on 25 de Enero de 2019 a las 20:01 in ecobasa

In Lakabe ecovillage we are searching for 2 volunteers from any country in Europe ( except Spain) to come for 9 months under the European Voluntary Service Programme. All costs are covered!

The EVS will take place in the Ecovillage Lakabe, Spain.

Please find attached:

An infopack with more details information
Application form for applicants to apply before the 26 of January.
Flyer for publicity


Lakabe is a small village located ...

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Erasmus+ Zegg Youth Exchange

Youth Exchange Review

written by Arne Bollinger on 7 de Enero de 2019 a las 18:14 in ecobasa

ecobasa was hosting a youth exchange at ZEGG ecovillage in Germany from 25. August to 3. September 2018. This youth exchange with the title ""Youth on Earth: Yes we (c)are" was the seventh organized by the international project Yes to Sustainability. Thirty young people between the ages of 18 and 30 from France, Slovenia, Spain and Germany participated.

The aim of the international Yes to Sustainability project is to promote alternative and ecological lifestyles among young people by giving ...

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Erasmus+ Zegg Youth Exchange

Youth Exchange: Youth on Earth – yes we c(are)

written by Arne Bollinger on 24 de Julio de 2018 a las 23:34 in ecobasa

ecobasa is hosting another funded youth exchange in ZEGG ecovillage, Germany from 25th of August to 3rd of September 2018.
If you are between 20 and 30 years old and you are resident in Spain, Slovenia, Germany or France, you can apply for an amazing time to experience authentic community.

“Youth On Earth – yes we (c)are” is the eighth youth exchange of “Yes to Sustainability”, an international project that aims to bring together young people from different regions of ...

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mobile app networking open-source collaboration platform

meeting with

written by Arne Bollinger on 30 de Mayo de 2018 a las 13:52 in ecobasa

Today ecobasa's founder Arne was meeting two lovely people for a tcheque start-up creating a gift-economy platform with a mobile app.
We exchanged a lot of experiences, plans and strategies and agreed that we share the same vision and values and that we should collaborate as much as possible. Also of course we have similar approaches and challenges. They will discuss the topics of open-source and open-data so we can exchange data, of course only with the ...

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open-source platform hackathon

ecobasa Hackathon

written by Arne Bollinger on 30 de Mayo de 2018 a las 13:39 in ecobasa

We had the first public hackathon for ecobasa!
Together with we put our repositories on to be open-source and enable other people to join us in the co-creation of internet software for a better world.
We had a great time and nice little developer group experience in parallel to the makers 4 humanity lab. While others where talking a lot about what to do, we had the feeling we were actually already doing it and working ...

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hackathon platform open-source

Hackathon invitation

written by Arne Bollinger on 2 de Mayo de 2018 a las 17:37 in ecobasa

ecobasa 3.0 is coming soon with many new features and professional stability and security. All we need is some support from you.

ecobasa is organising a hackathon from 19.05.2018 - 21.05.2018 @ makers 4 humanity lab, a co-creation festival in Germany for makers that want to hack the system. If you can not be there in person, you can be with us online through the connecting powers of the internet. We will have chat and video channels ...

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gift-circle networking Events Gift-economy

ecobasa at Move Utopia

written by Arne Bollinger on 6 de Julio de 2017 a las 23:07 in ecobasa

From the 21 - 25. June we were part of an utopian world, where we designed the present and future together with 1000 other utopians. This moneyfree, vegan, co-created encounter was full of workshops, open-spaces, permaculture, healing, creativity and art.

Living utopia means also that new relationships could come into being by transparently sharing needs and talents. This can be called moneyfree(er)-living, ecommony, commonism, gift economy or unconditional sharing. But beyond the terminology, this encounter was about experiencing this ...

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Gift-economy EDE Events Switzerland Schloss Glarisegg

ecobasa at the EDE in Schloss Glarisegg

written by Delciza Naghiu on 23 de Febrero de 2017 a las 12:34 in ecobasa

Arne and Delci from ecobasa offered to give a gift-economy input for this year's Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) in Schloss Glarisegg, Switzerland.

EDEs are usually 1 month long events that offer a holistic education based on the 4 pillars of sustainability: ecological, economical, social and worldview. We gave our input during the economic week, by presenting ecobasa and the gift-economy network and holding a gift-circle for the EDE-students as well as members of the community.

We were really happy ...

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Denmark Youth Exchange ecovillages Events

Youth Exchange in Denmark

written by Delciza Naghiu on 23 de Febrero de 2017 a las 11:12 in ecobasa

ecobasa is the German partner for the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in the ecovillage Hallingelille, Denmark, which will take place between 2-14 May 2017.
25 young people from Germany, Spain, Vasque Country, Slovenia, Italy and Denmark will meet there and exchange knowledge about Sustainable ways of living and the Refugees Crisis.

The program includes hands-on activities with low-impact ways of living or constructing, like: building a compost toilet, gardening and bioconstruction with community members. Some of these activities will be done ...

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materials manuals flyer Gift-Ambassadors

Gift-Ambassador Materials

written by Arne Bollinger on 8 de Febrero de 2017 a las 18:17 in ecobasa

We proudly present: the gift-ambassador materials!

The gift-ambassador manual gives you detailed instructions on how to start a community moneyless, using gift-economy techniques and tips or how to integrate gift-economy in your community. Also you can start a regional network and organize events based on gift-economy if you are not living in an intentional community. If you use these social technologies that we collected in the manual, they automatically create trustful relationships and a local community. From how to facilitate ...

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Video Media youtube


written by Arne Bollinger on 22 de Diciembre de 2016 a las 20:26 in ecobasa

So, it is christmas, means holiday season, means you have time. It is anyway winter in Europe and you can not work outside to do something meaningful. So just sit back and enjoy the inspirational videos we collected for you! But be careful - it may change your life!

You probably know that we are filming and uploading videos from our activities once in a while. If not, you can just have a quick scroll through our blog to discover some ...

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Tech website

News stream & Comments

written by Arne Bollinger on 19 de Diciembre de 2016 a las 20:11 in ecobasa

It is finally time that ecobasa receives two very known features from sites like facebook: a timeline with posts and (yes we all love them!) comments. We are just missing the likes :)

If you log in on ecobasa, you will land on your dashboard and can add the widget: detailed news. Here you can see the newest blog posts from communities, community-tours and the team of the ecobasa network. Every community and community-tour have their own blogs on their profile ...

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Media Radio

ecobasa's founder Arne on air

written by Arne Bollinger on 19 de Diciembre de 2016 a las 00:10 in ecobasa

This week Arne gave a radio interview (in German) about ecobasa, gift-economy and his life. Enjoy!

Arne also speaks about his new project: project-earth. Probably ecobasa will be one proposal as a solution that could save humanity and gift-economy one of the tools the recruits can use :)

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Awards Media Press

ecobasa receives Start-Green Award for their "New perspectives"

written by Arne Bollinger on 17 de Noviembre de 2016 a las 16:39 in ecobasa

ecobasa received the Start-Green award from the German government. The award was given to us because we found impressive solutions to the pressing challenges of our time. We pursue our own and unconventional path, creating not only new products and services in the spirit of gift-economy and self-empowerment, but also show alternative ways of thinking and approaches to society. Here is our profile for the german challenge.

For the challenge we made a social business plan - based on gift-economy. The ...

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Gift-economy Events

ecobasa at utopikon

written by Arne Bollinger on 8 de Noviembre de 2016 a las 18:16 in ecobasa

Last weekend Delci and Arne from ecobasa participated at the Utopikon - the "utopian economy conference" in Berlin, which dealt with ways and challenges in the direction of a money-freer society.

Everything started on Friday afternoon with a Schnippeldisko (chopping disco) of saved vegan food, which was then cooked for the next day. Saturday was then full of input and exchange from the rough 300 participants on questions such as: How can we operate more solidarily? What are alternatives for a ...

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Workshop Gift-Ambassadors Media Events Press youtube Spain

Gift-Ambassador Training

written by Arne Bollinger on 13 de Septiembre de 2016 a las 15:28 in ecobasa

We hosted a 5 day training for Gift-Ambassadors in Amalurra community, Spain. They offered us a beautiful hotel with spa, restaurant and coffee place, along with some nice conference rooms and equipment. We were asked to pay just the costs of our food. What a nice gift!

Around 19 people from 10 countries worked together, learning and sharing tools needed to use gift-economy in projects, communities or organisations.
Together with us, the participants organised a gift-circle open to all residents ...

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GEN Sociocracy ecovillages Gift-Ambassadors Italy

Sociocracy 3.0 in Panta Rei

written by Delciza Naghiu on 21 de Junio de 2016 a las 15:42 in ecobasa

Since 2014 we are using Sociocracy as a governance system to structure our teams. It is still ideal for our decentral, transnational structures.
Many members of our teams where so inspired by the method that they became sociocracy trainers themselves. Here is the website of ecobasa's founder Arne teaching Sociocracy. Since we first adapted Sociocracy, our friends and teachers developed the method further to become Sociocracy 3.0. It inherits some developments from Holocracy and something new: The Drivers ...

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Workshop Events Gift-Ambassadors Spain

Become a Gift-Ambassador!

written by Arne Bollinger on 18 de Junio de 2016 a las 19:27 in ecobasa

Dear future Gift-Ambassador!
We invite you to the powerful experience of gift-economy in a community-context! As a Gift-Ambassador you can then bring this heart-opening culture back to your organization or community.
Join us this summer for our first Gift-Ambassador training, from 9th to 13th of July, in Amalurra community, north of Spain
A group of us will be coming directly from the European Global Ecovillage Network's annual conference in Arterra.

What can you expect from the Gift-Ambassador training?

a ...

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Getting inspired by a Gratiferia in a small mountain village, South of France

written by Johanna Pfab on 11 de Mayo de 2016 a las 10:17 in ecobasa



While I was driving with my sister through the Alpes Maritimes (South-East of France, north from Cannes) on Sunday 8th of May, we arrived in a small village called Saint Cézaire sur Siagne. As we were strolling in the streets, sounds of music and voices attracted us to the main square around an old lime tree. People were chatting, clothes, shoes, books, plants etc were all displayed on the ground and children had their faces painted. Is it the village ...

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Youth Rejuvenating Communities!

written by Johanna Pfab on 4 de Febrero de 2016 a las 10:18 in ecobasa

Youth Rejuvenating Communities!

Many groups are setting up or consolidating their communities, initiatives and projects with the aim of creating healthy and solid changes for our world. The vast majority of these groups are facing various challenges. Shortages in time, money, knowledge, human or material resources are all creating blockages and slowing down this much needed change. Within our movement there is a clear abundance of all of this, the real challenge is finding a way to easily build the ...

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tech website

Wishlists for ecobasa members

written by Arne Bollinger on 24 de Enero de 2016 a las 14:20 in ecobasa

Every member on ecobasa can now make unlimited wishes – on your ecobasa profile there is now a wishlist. If you join a Community-Tour, your wishes will appear on your tours profile, together with the wishes of other members of the tour.
Like this other people can see how to support you and your tour. You can link to them directly like this: and share this link directly with someone that wants to do you ...

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What a year!

written by Arne Bollinger on 11 de Enero de 2016 a las 16:58 in ecobasa

We just come out of an ecobasa community-time in the Black Forrest with new team members, ideas, projects and inspirations.
Before sharing the good news with you, we thought it is a good time to look back on the last year.

In 2015 we dedicated a lot of love, time, thought and resources into ecobasa which will always remain free. If you found any joy and inspiration in our work, please consider supporting us with a donation!

So here is ...

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video Month of Giving gift-economy gift interview

Soundjourney - a touching gift-experience

written by Delciza Naghiu on 27 de Diciembre de 2015 a las 15:43 in ecobasa

Our friends from Tagtraum are offering soundjourneys on a regular basis in Berlin. Based on a "free-price" they create much more than a service - deep moments, connections, relationships and community, well, things you can not buy. This amazing project shows all the magic of gift-economy, it's just priceless!
It's also the perfect gift that you can offer to a friend: either on his/her birthday, while visiting berlin or as a surprise on any normal day, making it ...

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events gift-economy Month of Giving video interview

Gift-economy coffee shop

written by Arne Bollinger on 23 de Diciembre de 2015 a las 12:03 in ecobasa

Our friends from Erste Sahne have a little coffee shop in the Schillerkietz in Berlin. 
We met them on our various events and last year they gave us vouchers for cakes at their place to support our gift-economy campaign.
This year we used some of the vouchers to invite some ecobasa supporters and friends for coffee and cake. Of course some of our team chose to pay for the next person who orders a coffee, so we started a suspended ...

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sociocracy Month of Giving gift dragon-dreaming

Gift: Dragon Dreaming e-book

written by Arne Bollinger on 21 de Diciembre de 2015 a las 09:59 in ecobasa

Dragon Dreaming is a set of sustainable project management tools for groups and communities. We use parts of it in our events and in our teams.

Some people volunteered to make a digital booklet, that explains you the concepts. It has just recently been updated in 6 languages and we are happy to share this great gift with you:
Here are different versions:

We like ...

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gift-economy website

Travelling Tips / Moneyless living

written by Arne Bollinger on 17 de Diciembre de 2015 a las 12:55 in ecobasa

On the old version there was the "Alternative Ways of Living" wiki. We didn't include a wiki on this platform, because of already existing much larger wikis like Appropedia 
A user started this page and we updated it for you to help you reducing your needs for money when you are traveling on Community-Tours 
The page covers needs from transportation and accommodation to food and pocket money.

So here it is: Travelling Tips for your Community-Tours you ...

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gift-economy Month of Giving

Organize a really really free market

written by Arne Bollinger on 15 de Diciembre de 2015 a las 20:41 in ecobasa

A beautiful day in the park, a fresh homemade meal, some free clothes and books – what could be better?
The Really Really Free Market, as opposed to the Not-So-Free Free Market, breaks down the myth of scarcity and encourages us to take advantage of the abundance all around us.

Kirsten Brydum, RRFM organizer, gave us the low down on how great it feels to get rid of your stuff, share knowledge and maybe find that odd item you've been ...

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gift Month of Giving video gift-economy

Community-Tours: a gift-economy experience

written by Arne Bollinger on 15 de Diciembre de 2015 a las 09:53 in ecobasa

In 2014 we organized some Community-Tours between two Communities-Convergences in order to test the concepts as a prototype, to collect more feedback and add improvements and to document everything to show you how it looks like and how you can organise it yourself.

This is a little documentary that we cut together. We will take you with us on our Summer 2014 through the gift-economy communities we visited. Very inspiring places and people! 
It is not really finished, as there ...

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Giving Tuesday Month of Giving gifts

Month of Giving

written by Arne Bollinger on 14 de Diciembre de 2015 a las 12:39 in ecobasa

ecobasa is all about giving, because this changes the way people relate to each other, the world and to themselves in a healthy, natural and sustainable way!

We want to inspire as many people as possible, including you, to give something unconditionally, because this experience can light up your or somebodies life! Year long friendships emerged from every event or project we did with gift-economy!

To share the gift of giving with more people, we need your help – so this ...

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gift Month of Giving

Gifts: Time instead of Stuff

written by Arne Bollinger on 11 de Diciembre de 2015 a las 11:00 in ecobasa

Christmas is approaching, this special time of the year where giving gifts is part of our culture.
The german website wants to give alternative ideas for materialistic gifts. Instead of giving stuff, you can give somebody a nice time. This creates connections, happy feelings and less waste :) It is the most local and sustainable gift you can make! And spending quality time together is a really nice gift for both, the receiver and the giver ...

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pay-it-forward gift-economy

Karma Kitchen

written by Delciza Naghiu on 10 de Diciembre de 2015 a las 23:23 in ecobasa

If you follow long enough, you are probably already familiar with the concept of #SuspendedCoffee

Karma Kitchen does the same, only with a meal: that means your meal has been paid for by someone who came before you. Since it's a gift, you can't pay them back - but you can pay-it-forward to the next guests, allowing him/her to experience the same generosity and keeping the circle of giving going...

It started in Berkeley, USA in ...

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Month of Giving radio gift

Gift: Bioneers Radio

written by Arne Bollinger on 10 de Diciembre de 2015 a las 13:06 in ecobasa

We have been gifting books and films, in regards to our radiointerview yesterday, we give you a radioshow around sustainability:
Bioneers Radio is combining social innovation, leading edge science and indiginous and traditional knowledge, creating a future environment of hope.

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Media Month of Giving Radio

ecobasa on air!

written by Arne Bollinger on 10 de Diciembre de 2015 a las 12:57 in ecobasa

We had a feature in the famous nationwide german radio "Deutschlandfunk".
In an inspiring in-depth 10 Minutes Interview Arne explains about gift-economy, gift-communities and ecobasa's Month of Giving campaign.


Gestern lief ein Feature über auf Deutschlandfunk.
In einem inspirierenden 10 Minütigen Interview erzählt Arne über Schenkökonomie, Schenk-Gemeinschaften und ecobasa's Monat des Gebens.

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gift video

Gift: The Red Pill

written by Arne Bollinger on 9 de Diciembre de 2015 a las 11:02 in ecobasa

This gift is a strong one. It is like the red pill from the movie the matrix. It summarizes very well some urgent aspects of our reality that really make sense changing.
It just makes sense that YOU change them. Be the change you want to see, the choice is yours!

Here on ecobasa we provide the tools to start living a different life or to be better off and connected to other sustainable communities, if you are already living ...

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video gift-economy communities

Short documentary about gift-economy commmunities

written by Arne Bollinger on 7 de Diciembre de 2015 a las 12:21 in ecobasa

Yes they exist – sustainable communities that work with or are based on gift-economy. It is so inspiring to see the beauty of these places and the way they work.
It totally makes sense if you live in a community to use gift-economy, because it is the most holistically sustainable thing you can do. And it makes sense in a gift-economy to live in community, because this is the most holistically sustainable thing to do :) 

ecobasa's work of connecting these ...

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gift-economy gifts

How to start a givebox

written by Arne Bollinger on 6 de Diciembre de 2015 a las 08:42 in ecobasa


We collected the following experiences to understand the main reasons for the success of the concept, as well as acquaint people with the Givebox concept. All details including the name and the construction guide is "open-source" and can be used or modified. 



Building the Givebox alone is honourable, doing it with friends, neighbours or strangers is real fun. Besides you get to know like-minded people and support for the start ...

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gifts video gift-economy

How to start gift-economy in your neighborhood

written by Arne Bollinger on 5 de Diciembre de 2015 a las 11:51 in ecobasa

This little feature film shows how a couple that got inspired from the traditional ways they experienced in nepal started to introduce gift-economy in their neighborhood.

It is so easy to do and after the initial scepticism it just feels so natural and heart warming. We hope this can get you inspired to start a little act of free giving yourself, just to get to know the warm feelings and start a chain of reactions :) Please don't hesitate to ...

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gifts Month of Giving

Gift: Big Book of Tiny Homes

written by Arne Bollinger on 4 de Diciembre de 2015 a las 11:40 in ecobasa

During our #MonthOfGiving‬ we will not only report about your giftings, but also give away gifts on every other day!
These gifts are unconditional, but of course we would be very happy if you would support us and our work, because your gifts keep us giving!
Today we have for you a free big book about Tiny Homes, that you can build yourself or with the help from some volunteers on 
Enjoy the read! ...

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gifts Month of Giving gift-economy Giving Tuesday

Free Taxi Rides in Yerevan

written by Arne Bollinger on 3 de Diciembre de 2015 a las 12:27 in ecobasa

Vahagen and Ruben decided to drive through the streets of Yerevan in Armenia, to offer free taxi rides on #GivingTuesday, the start of ecobasa's #MonthOfGiving.

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Month of Giving Giftmob gift-economy event givetivism gifts

We launched our Month of Giving with a Giftmob

written by Arne Bollinger on 2 de Diciembre de 2015 a las 11:50 in ecobasa

On Giving Tuesday (01.12.) we launched the #MonthOfGiving with a Giftmob at Alexanderplatz in Berlin.

What a nice day it was! It filled our hearts with nice moments and coincidences: We met a travelling nomad who was working on the christmas market. He doesn't use internet and didn't know about our initiative. 
He was very happy to connect to us as he wants to open up a nomad base on gift-economy to host fellow travellers!

A woman ...

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website tech

ecobasa launched in spanish

written by Arne Bollinger on 20 de Noviembre de 2015 a las 17:30 in ecobasa

***** Spanish see below *****

Now you can visit ecobasa in Spanish @

Wow, this was really an effort!
We had several volunteers who worked on the Spanish translations, but they were mostly very busy, travelling in remote places and without internet.
Fernanda, our biggest contributor was travelling in the indian jungle, copying the texts on her smartphone when she had access to internet and editing it offline, when she had some free time.
If you are familiar with ...

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Newsletter event gifts Month of Giving

Newsletter: ecobasa launched!

written by Arne Bollinger on 18 de Noviembre de 2015 a las 10:08 in ecobasa

As you might have not subscribed to our gloriously inspiring newsletter, we share it with you openly as this is what we do for a living: sharing.
Open the original for translations
If you dont want to miss future letters, please subscribe here

We want to share the gift of giving creatively for a whole month and inspire many people to do the same. Only together we can create a wave of inspiration, generosity and gratefulness. Join us now and ...

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Things Done

written by Arne Bollinger on 27 de Octubre de 2015 a las 18:46 in ecobasa

Community Map

The markers for the communities on the big map got little ecobasa flowers and the orange color. If you click on the makers, little popups appear that show their picture and a short self-desciption text. So you can decide better if you want to see their full profile or not :)
In the future we will also show a counter of positive and negative references and some important statistics (size, status)


We introduced the concept of the Communities-Convergences ...

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Arne goes full gift-economy

written by Arne Bollinger on 23 de Octubre de 2015 a las 18:03 in ecobasa

Last month I quit my job to fully live for and from what I am doing "voluntarily" on my free days, in the nights and on weekends.
What I experienced in the first month after that decision inspired me so much, that I want to share it with you!

I always struggled with my ideas and projects, that are so "alternative" that they often don't find easy funding or they are still in the early stages. I tried to ...

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tech launched!

written by Arne Bollinger on 16 de Julio de 2015 a las 12:31 in ecobasa

After many years, many conversations, many volunteer circles and many many hours and lines of programming, it is finally done: the new is online!

You can now register and join the network, as well as invite communities that you know to join! Because without members, there is no gift-economy network :)

The basic structure of the platform is there, you can already see how it is supposed to work.
By now all the elements ...

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seeds gift-economy gift-auction seed-exchange event

Gifts of seeds

written by Arne Bollinger on 30 de Marzo de 2015 a las 18:40 in ecobasa

On our 2014, we have transported many things between sustainable communities that were passed as gifts in a gift economy network.
Seeds had been proved to be the best possible gift. It is one of the most important resources for self-sufficiency or community care. And it is a very personal gift, which establishes relationships unlike few:

You know from which garden the plant is coming from and who has tasted its fruit before.
You can find out ...

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event gift-circle gift-auction

ZEGG meets Berlin

written by Arne Bollinger on 13 de Marzo de 2015 a las 14:30 in ecobasa

Last weekend, the ecovillage ZEGG was inviting to meet people of the city in Berlin. 
As their community is located quite closely to Berlin this makes sense in many ways.

We thought that this might be the perfect occasion to bond them even stronger with the city and we offered to host a gift-economy auction on their event to pair up wishes from people with offers.
That way strong relationships are build and perhaps they could also benefit from beeing ...

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Schenkökonomie Press Media Interview

Arne spricht "Für eine bessere Welt"

written by Delciza Naghiu on 10 de Enero de 2015 a las 00:00 in ecobasa

Ilona Koglin, die unter anderem den Blog "Für eine bessere Welt" betreibt, hat mit Arne ein Mutmacher-Interview geführt. Darin geht es um Schenkökonomie, Arne's Erfahrungen ohne Geld zu leben sowie ecobasa-Veranstaltungen und Pläne für die Zukunft.

Geniesst das Interview hier:

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Mantra of Collective Intelligence

written by Arne Bollinger on 29 de Diciembre de 2014 a las 11:07 in ecobasa

All that we do is a lot about trust, responsibility, collective intelligence and collaboration. This means collective leadership.

I dreamed that i should share this mantra with you. I wrote it after my first Communities-Convergence in Aurora community, Romania. After some community-building group experience.
Like every mantra you can repeat it to yourself over and over.
If you allow it, it will transform something in you and share its greater wisdom.

I trust myself in being a good leader. 
I ...

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sociocracy gift

Sociocracy Course with James Priest

written by Arne Bollinger on 19 de Diciembre de 2014 a las 20:05 in ecobasa

On the gift-basar we had a special guest: James Priest.
He told us how to use sociocracy, a gift that we want to share with you!

When we researched about organisational design and ways to structure a large international project like ours decentrally, we found sociocracy as the best approach to align with our values of transparency, openness, and collaboration, as well as allowing collective intelligence to take off. We found this is a really powerful tool that changes the ...

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The magic of unconditional giving

written by Delciza Naghiu on 19 de Diciembre de 2014 a las 17:14 in ecobasa

Last week we experienced the magic of unconditional giving during the Gift Bazar at the Sharehaus Berlin. We had lots of gifts to give away, a big brunch, a short presentation of the project and a Gift Economy Auction in the end. We received a lot of gifts from ecobasa supporters and gave them forward. There are still some left and we want to offer them to those of you who are in Berlin. Just ask and you shall receive ...

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gift-auction event


written by Arne Bollinger on 11 de Diciembre de 2014 a las 11:15 in ecobasa

*Englisch* (Deutsch weiter unten) Dear Friends! We are happy to invite you all to the Gift-Bazaar on the 13th of December. This is a solidarity-event for ecobasa, a project promoting gift-economy and mutual support between sustainable communities. At the Gift-Bazaar we will all experience gift-economy in a joyful way. We will prepare for you various gifts and you are also invited to to participate actively! The idea is to create a nice atmosphere of giving and sharing in a gift-basaar ...

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gift gift-economy Month of Giving

Gift: Sacred Economics ebook

written by Delciza Naghiu on 11 de Diciembre de 2014 a las 00:42 in ecobasa

We are running a different kind of crowdfunding campaign: gift-economy style! So instead of bribing donors with rewards, we depend on your unconditional support.
BUT we also give away GIFTS FOR EVERYONE, not just our donors!

So here it is, a true gift: a wonderful book of Charles Eisenstein to download for free. Its of courseabout gift-economy but also much more that goes philosophically and personally deep!

ebook, zipped 

And here it might even be in your native language ...

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gifts your gifts keep us giving

A gift from Nils - Yoga Lesson for Ecobasa

written by LiliDavid on 10 de Diciembre de 2014 a las 14:13 in ecobasa

Nils Jacob is one of the initiators of in the early stages of the project.
Although not part of the team anymore, he wanted to give his support by donating the money he was donated for one of his Yoga classes to ecobasa. Thank you, Nils!

We encourage you to discover your special gifts and super-powers, share them freely, and invite the receiving person to give money back to our network.
Everyone has something to offer that other ...

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Making of the video

written by Arne Bollinger on 8 de Diciembre de 2014 a las 16:52 in ecobasa

The making of our project explainer / crowdsourcing video was really exciting! This was something, that i wanted to do since years and it never happened. (Many script versions landed in the bin..) This time everything came together and especially our great team, for which i am very thankful! They are so lovely and competent people, it is amazing if the room is full with all of them :) Our media-partner the sinnwerkstatt media agency supported us with the making of the ...

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community gifts

Gifts for the Thinkfarm

written by LiliDavid on 8 de Diciembre de 2014 a las 16:51 in ecobasa

We have been given a solidarity place in the Thinkfarm in 2014. 
The Thinkfarm is a coworking space that was created 2013 by the sinnwerkstatt, our partner media agency and a few other projects and people. 
There we work together with now 40 different eco-social projects - Really cool and inspiring people, doing great stuff. 

Solidarity Place means we dont have to pay rent for a desk, like all the others. But because we are cool and working on gift-economy we ...

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community networking

Networking Weekend

written by Arne Bollinger on 8 de Diciembre de 2014 a las 16:45 in ecobasa

My last weekend i was networking with communities from the german speaking ecovillage network ( and Longo Maï ( Founded in 1973 with anti-capitalist background, there are 10 communities in the Longo Mai network, mostly in France but also Ukraine, Germany, Swiss, Austria and Costa Rica. They are very interesting to us, because they already exchange products, volunteers and members between their communes! There was a discussion in the evening ...

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gift-auction events gift-circle

The gift-economy auction or gift-circle

written by Arne Bollinger on 8 de Diciembre de 2014 a las 16:44 in ecobasa

During the communities-convergences and several presentations I, Arne, came up with this concept. 
Feel free to use it and if you have better ideas and inspirations how to do it, please share them with us! It is very easy, powerful and inspiring, you don't have to do much..

A gift-circle is a very easy and straight-forward format to use the power of unconditional support and crowdsourcing in your projects or communities. Everyone has so much to share and give ...

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Gift-economy: a love story

written by Delciza Naghiu on 8 de Diciembre de 2014 a las 16:42 in ecobasa

It’s never too late to wake up. Wake up one day and realize that money is completely overvalued. You know those moments when you stand in front of a burning candle, which is deeply rooted into a colorful sweet friends-made cake and people around you tell: make a wish! Or those moments when you reach for the coin, before throwing it into the fountain of the castle? What is it that you wish for?? I would love to know ...

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