written by Arne Bollinger on Nov. 17, 2016, 4:39 p.m.

ecobasa receives Start-Green Award for their "New perspectives"

ecobasa received the Start-Green award from the German government. The award was given to us because we found impressive solutions to the pressing challenges of our time. We pursue our own and unconventional path, creating not only new products and services in the spirit of gift-economy and self-empowerment, but also show alternative ways of thinking and approaches to society. Here is our profile for the german challenge.

For the challenge we made a social business plan - based on gift-economy. The jury had never seen such a thing before and wanted to honor us with an exceptional award for our unconventional ways of re-thinking the "green" economy. Here you can see us receiving the price.

Unfortunately this category was not rewarded with a monetary prize. But anyway we believe in self-responsability not in institutions, so that means you - please support us for our pioneering works!

