gift-economy seeds event gift-auction seed-exchange

Gifts of seeds

written by Arne Bollinger on March 30, 2015, 6:40 p.m. in ecobasa

On our 2014, we have transported many things between sustainable communities that were passed as gifts in a gift economy network.
Seeds had been proved to be the best possible gift. It is one of the most important resources for self-sufficiency or community care. And it is a very personal gift, which establishes relationships unlike few:

You know from which garden the plant is coming from and who has tasted its fruit before.
You can find out ...

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event gift-auction gift-circle

ZEGG meets Berlin

written by Arne Bollinger on March 13, 2015, 2:30 p.m. in ecobasa

Last weekend, the ecovillage ZEGG was inviting to meet people of the city in Berlin. 
As their community is located quite closely to Berlin this makes sense in many ways.

We thought that this might be the perfect occasion to bond them even stronger with the city and we offered to host a gift-economy auction on their event to pair up wishes from people with offers.
That way strong relationships are build and perhaps they could also benefit from beeing ...

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event gift-auction


written by Arne Bollinger on Dec. 11, 2014, 11:15 a.m. in ecobasa

*Englisch* (Deutsch weiter unten) Dear Friends! We are happy to invite you all to the Gift-Bazaar on the 13th of December. This is a solidarity-event for ecobasa, a project promoting gift-economy and mutual support between sustainable communities. At the Gift-Bazaar we will all experience gift-economy in a joyful way. We will prepare for you various gifts and you are also invited to to participate actively! The idea is to create a nice atmosphere of giving and sharing in a gift-basaar ...

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events gift-auction gift-circle

The gift-economy auction or gift-circle

written by Arne Bollinger on Dec. 8, 2014, 4:44 p.m. in ecobasa

During the communities-convergences and several presentations I, Arne, came up with this concept. 
Feel free to use it and if you have better ideas and inspirations how to do it, please share them with us! It is very easy, powerful and inspiring, you don't have to do much..

A gift-circle is a very easy and straight-forward format to use the power of unconditional support and crowdsourcing in your projects or communities. Everyone has so much to share and give ...

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