cob house community eco-building ecovillage humanure NVC peacework permaculture research volunteering
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Visiting the neighbourhood of Ecovillage Istria

Andrei Iuroaia 30. Juli 2014 00:00:00 community permaculture eco-building

Pr Nebavec community - near Litjia, Slovenia

Andrei Iuroaia 1. August 2014 00:00:00 community permaculture

La Gugu community - near Suncuius, Romania

Andrei Iuroaia 3. August 2014 00:00:00 community permaculture eco-building NVC peacework cob house volunteering

Ecovillage Isatria - near Koper, Slovenia

Andrei Iuroaia 27. Juli 2014 00:00:00 community permaculture eco-building ecovillage research humanure