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title for the campaign and the newsletter Lili saturday 22.11.2014 23.11.2014 Geplant -
invite anto sunday to the meeting (Delci) 22.11.2014 08:38 Geplant -
translation for newsletter, website text, betterplace text - Jasmin(Delci), Marius(Lili) 23.11.2014 27.11.2014 Geplant -
read-proof the english texts: Kimberly 23.11.2014 26.11.2014 Geplant -
update text on website Delci 23.11.2014 27.11.2014 Geplant -
feedback for the video from close friends - sunday 23.11.2014 02:33 Geplant -
photo for the campaign on betterplace (Noemi) + motto 23.11.2014 26.11.2014 Geplant -
anto can prepare the fb event (Delci sends inspiration from keller event and bodo)- the link for this we include in the newsletter 23.11.2014 26.11.2014 Geplant -
Bankeinzug nur für gemeinnützige Projekte? 24.11.2014 02:00 Geplant -
self-description for the team-website 26.11.2014 28.11.2014 Geplant -
Send newsletter 1 27.11.2014 10:27 Geplant -
put text on betterplace + photos - 27th 27.11.2014 30.11.2014 Geplant -
Buy-Nothing-Day today-> fb 29.11.2014 06:30 Geplant -
Launch campaign 01.12.2014 03:36 Geplant -
Betterplace termin 01.12.2014 02:27 Geplant -
E-Mail signature 01.12.2014 04:27 Geplant -
prepare newsletter 2 - text Lili 02.12.2014 09.12.2014 Geplant -
print campaign-page and hang in TF 03.12.2014 05.12.2014 Geplant -
event 14.12.2014 07:38 Geplant -