geschrieben von Arne Bollinger am 18. November 2015 10:08:50

Newsletter: ecobasa launched!

As you might have not subscribed to our gloriously inspiring newsletter, we share it with you openly as this is what we do for a living: sharing.
Open the original for translations

If you dont want to miss future letters, please subscribe here

We want to share the gift of giving creatively for a whole month and inspire many people to do the same. Only together we can create a wave of inspiration, generosity and gratefulness. Join us now and document a little act of kindness! Together we can change the world, one good deed at a time.


ecobasa has officially launched and wants to share gifts in the #monthofgiving
Hello pioneers of sustainable lifestyles,
if you didn't see it yet, the best news first:

ecobasa is officially launched!

Join now and co-create the global gift-network with us!

Last year we started our first crowdfunding campaign and collected 1.400€. We were able to pay the server costs, but it was not really enough to pay people for work, so again we did a lot on voluntary basis.

This year we want to go a big step forward and make December the #MonthOfGiving.

Month of Giving

We are so inspired and thankful for the great wave of self-organized support for refugees, that we want to make this wave even bigger and bring the sharing to the streets!  We want to inspire as many people as possible, including you,  to give something unconditionally.
We need your help – so this can become a trust generating wave of generosity. You can post about your actions and include a picture or a little video using the hashtag #MonthOfGiving
We will share your actions on our facebook page and in a newsletter.

The idea is that you offer a service, product or any kind of gift unconditionally – for a day, an hour or just once. If people want to give something back, encourage them to pay it forward.
They can give another gift to a random stranger, but also a donation to us, because your gifts keep us giving!

We will share your inspiring stories of giving for the whole month. Some ecobasa-friends already announced that they will offer a sound-journey and a yoga lesson and dedicate the donations to ecobasa. Here we can collect more ideas.

If you have an idea what you would like to do, but you are not sure about it, just contact us and we are glad to give ideas, help organizing and documenting!
You can also ask friends or anyone to be part of the campaign. You can also include your local bakery for example: convince them to give away every second bread for free for one hour and we are happy to make a little film about it and share it in our networks.

Giving Tuesday

We will start the campaign on #GivingTuesday (1. December) with a gift-mob in Berlin.
Organize one yourself in your place and tell us about it - Or surprise us with another creative idea!

Your support with money, volunteer-time or sharing our campaign is a sustainable investment, that will enable more gifts to flow free in the future through our network! If you like our work, please support us here

Thank you ♥


