geschrieben von Arne Bollinger am 15. Dezember 2015 09:53:06

Community-Tours: a gift-economy experience

In 2014 we organized some Community-Tours between two Communities-Convergences in order to test the concepts as a prototype, to collect more feedback and add improvements and to document everything to show you how it looks like and how you can organise it yourself.

This is a little documentary that we cut together. We will take you with us on our Summer 2014 through the gift-economy communities we visited. Very inspiring places and people! 
It is not really finished, as there is still a long list of edits on Arne's Desk but this was also the first movie he made.

If you have questions or ideas about our concepts, please contact us, we want to co-create these open-source ideas with collective intelligence!

Happy watching!

