geschrieben von Andrei Iuroaia am 26. September 2014 13:33:36

Join me for a community tour in portugal, Spain and back to central Europe

Dear friends, I am driving to Portugal on the 12th of October and have 3 places in my car. I start from Schweibenalp community close to Brienz CH and I am willing to adjust my rout to pick you up if its reasonable. I want to split costs which will be around 100 euro depending if we are 4 people or less. Actually I am starting another community-tour! I will start travelling to PT from Iasi Romania stopping in Bucharest at the Transition Towns national gathering then on the 6th or 7th oct. I will go to the Green Phoenix conference in CH community Schweibenalp and then on the 12th I travel straight to Tamera community in south PT where I will be making the water retention landscape course from 13 to 26 oct. After that I want to make a community tour of Portugal and Spain until mid November when I head back to central Europe. Probably south Germany for 2 or 3 weeks and then Berlin. If you are interested in any part of it we need to talk and get to know each other a bit and see if our intentions and ways of being are synergetic. What we aim to do is map communities and projects interested in collaboration through a gift culture and also map travelling groups interested in the same culture and - WHAM! - we have an emerging network that supports all those in it - it is open, decentralized, grass roots and resilient and FUN and personally EMPOWERING too! so let me know what you think, It is possible we will e a small caravan - others are still considering logistics and timing. Well wishes and hugs to all of you!

