geschrieben von Delciza Naghiu am 10. Oktober 2014 22:36:43

Healing day

Today was the perfect day for arriving, as friday (or free day in tribodar language) is healing day here. The morning started with yoga, followed by a delicious breakfast. At 12 we had a cacao ceremony that stefan offered, with raw cacao from guatemala. It was a very heart-opening ritual, after which some people started a massage circle and others dancing in the sun. I could also take time for myself in the sun, which was highly needed after constantly being with many people in the last days. Arne, stefan and me couldn't stay away from working a bit, so we started building a second compost toilet, which we'll finish tomorrow. In the afternoon we had an organizational circle, where the week was planned and the volunteers could choose a task for the upcoming projects. Today we also met Michael, the founder of Tribodar and are excited about the next days inside the community!

