Was bringt eure Gemeinschaft zusammen
Permagricole is an intentional co-operative community of consciousness and co-existence embedded in values of respect and co-operation. Our aim is to create a culture of community building and group processing to grow and live together so as to transition towards sustainable living.
We strive to have heart - centered non-violent communication and use consensus in decision making where appropriate with agreed levels of autonomy. We recognise that as individuals, we are inter-dependent with one another and with the world around us. We are responsible for ourselves and our part within the whole.
Every day we share food and eat together (depending on the rhythm and energy of our livelihoods). We practice permaculture practices with ethics of Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share/Future Care. We acknowledge and actively practice being inhabitants rather than tourists in nature.
Was kannst du hier lernen
- Community-Building
- Composting
- Permaculture
- Soil-maintainence
- working together
- Composting
- Design-Thinking
- Gardening
- community
- cooking
- food
- metallwork
- permaculture design
- volunteer work
- wonderful nature!