escrito por Arne Bollinger en 8 de Febrero de 2017 a las 18:17

Gift-Ambassador Materials

We proudly present: the gift-ambassador materials!

The gift-ambassador manual gives you detailed instructions on how to start a community moneyless, using gift-economy techniques and tips or how to integrate gift-economy in your community. Also you can start a regional network and organize events based on gift-economy if you are not living in an intentional community. If you use these social technologies that we collected in the manual, they automatically create trustful relationships and a local community. From how to facilitate gift-circles or free markets, you will find practical tips on how to receive support for your project with empowered fundraising and instructions how to manage your volunteers, offers and wishes on this platform! Also you will find our famous Travelling Tips how to get around the world without money (including a guide how to hitchhike boats) in a printed form to take on the road with you if you print it out or have it on your smart electric device.


We have new flyers with information about the gift-economy network, this platform and space for your personal contact. So you can start your gift-ambassador activity in your community by handing out these flyers!


Enjoy the read and please let us know if you have any ideas for improvements. Also we are looking for support in our design team! If you want to give the manual a more beautiful layout that my heart knows is possible, please contact us!

If you want to become a gift-ambassador, you can register here and choose your situation. Other gift-pioneers can then find you on this platform and join your community!

