escrito por Gabriel De Jager Ottaviani en 6 de Septiembre de 2015 a las 16:12

Latin America - Europe

Dear everyone, I am new to ecobasa, but I would like to share all that I can share. I live in Ecuador at the moment and I am doing research on ecovillages for the univerisity of Quito, Ecuador. I have visited several communities in Ecuador and from the 15th of december until the 15th of march I will travel through Colombia to visit several other ecovillages, follow educational programmes and visit big gatherings like the Llamado de la Montana. You are free to join and experiece the reality of ecovillages on this continent. The 15th of March I will return to Europe to search for an ecovillage or community to live in on the long term. I am especcially interested in France, Spain and Portugal, so if there are interesting projects I would be glad to visit them. The second question I have is if anyone is in Ecuador or Colombia in the coming months, and travelling towards Europe, and could bring some of my things to Europe. Warm greetings to all, Gabriel

