escrito por Arne Bollinger en 26 de Septiembre de 2014 a las 13:31

Community-Tours 2 goes Portugal

Delci, me and bee (our bus) need a bit more sun this year, in order to survive the coming winter. Sooooo, Portugal it is! We plan to be on the road between 3.-21. oct., doing a chilled road trip through France, Spain and then Portugal, where we plan at least 1 week at the beach in Alentejo. Passing the Pyrenees, a beautiful natural thermal spring in N-spain, the abandoned village Finestras also in Spain and a great community in Portugal, Tribodar. (You can find them on our map) If right now your heart is beating stronger and you feel like screaming, then you should probably join us! :) Either for the road trip or join us later directly in portugal at the beach... Our most beautiful picture is a combination of travelling with friends and also time for ourselves, probably in portugal. Also a caravan would be fantastic!! So write us (Communibee 1) anything that comes through your mind and we check if it fits. Also if you want to go visit friends/a community in portugal or want to send something, we are "in service" :) Feel squeezed! Arne and Delci

