Lo que trae a esta comunidad

Some common interests found in our group are: Simple life down to earth, Do-It-Yourself, recycling materials, living a drug free healthy life, presence with children, supporting children's autonomy and freedom to explore, democratic schooling/ free schools, social tools and emotional work such as co-counseling and Way of the Circle, ecovillages and intentional communities, environmental activism, music, visual arts, improvisation, horticulture, permaculture, forest gardens and natural mushroom cultivation, food fermentations, sustainability education, massage, wilderness skills... We have initiated a Transition Initiative in our nearby town, aiming to strengthen the local community and local economy, particularly the production and local market of organic foods.


¿Qué se puede aprender aquí

  • music
  • gardening
  • Recycled-construction
  • Empathie
  • working together
  • Community-Building
  • connect with nature
  • chicken and bees
  • childrens culture
  • direct action
  • languages
  • Networking
  • building
Añadir una habilidad que aprendió aquí con una reseña


  • volunteer work
  • networking
  • improvisions-art
  • food
  • inspiration
  • Natural Living
  • Counseling
Añadir un servicio que ofrecen con una opinión

Productos y Creaciones

  • saplings
  • music composition
  • natural pigments
  • preserves
Añadir un producto que usted recibió con una opinión


Necesidades especiales

With us you have a lot of freedom to choose projects according to your skills and interests, for example: building and renovation work at the main house and other building projects, clay plastering walls, gardening, landscaping our new pond area, opening up areas from bushes and tree saplings, planting new trees and perennials, environmental planning, designing our future eco-houses and other eco-solutions, firewood work, cooking, being with children, own innovative projects improving the life quality here (we have tools for working with metal, wood, textiles etc)