So, it is christmas, means holiday season, means you have time. It is anyway winter in Europe and you can not work outside to do something meaningful. So just sit back and enjoy the inspirational videos we collected for you! But be careful - it may change your life!
You probably know that we are filming and uploading videos from our activities once in a while. If not, you can just have a quick scroll through our blog to discover some ...
This week Arne gave a radio interview (in German) about ecobasa, gift-economy and his life. Enjoy!
Arne also speaks about his new project: project-earth. Probably ecobasa will be one proposal as a solution that could save humanity and gift-economy one of the tools the recruits can use :)
ecobasa received the Start-Green award from the German government. The award was given to us because we found impressive solutions to the pressing challenges of our time. We pursue our own and unconventional path, creating not only new products and services in the spirit of gift-economy and self-empowerment, but also show alternative ways of thinking and approaches to society. Here is our profile for the german challenge.
For the challenge we made a social business plan - based on gift-economy. The ...
We hosted a 5 day training for Gift-Ambassadors in Amalurra community, Spain. They offered us a beautiful hotel with spa, restaurant and coffee place, along with some nice conference rooms and equipment. We were asked to pay just the costs of our food. What a nice gift!
Around 19 people from 10 countries worked together, learning and sharing tools needed to use gift-economy in projects, communities or organisations.
Together with us, the participants organised a gift-circle open to all residents ...
We had a feature in the famous nationwide german radio "Deutschlandfunk".
In an inspiring in-depth 10 Minutes Interview Arne explains about gift-economy, gift-communities and ecobasa's Month of Giving campaign.
Gestern lief ein Feature über auf Deutschlandfunk.
In einem inspirierenden 10 Minütigen Interview erzählt Arne über Schenkökonomie, Schenk-Gemeinschaften und ecobasa's Monat des Gebens.
Ilona Koglin, die unter anderem den Blog "Für eine bessere Welt" betreibt, hat mit Arne ein Mutmacher-Interview geführt. Darin geht es um Schenkökonomie, Arne's Erfahrungen ohne Geld zu leben sowie ecobasa-Veranstaltungen und Pläne für die Zukunft.
Geniesst das Interview hier: