ecobasa is the German partner for the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in the ecovillage Hallingelille, Denmark, which will take place between 2-14 May 2017.
25 young people from Germany, Spain, Vasque Country, Slovenia, Italy and Denmark will meet there and exchange knowledge about Sustainable ways of living and the Refugees Crisis.
The program includes hands-on activities with low-impact ways of living or constructing, like: building a compost toilet, gardening and bioconstruction with community members. Some of these activities will be done ...
Since 2014 we are using Sociocracy as a governance system to structure our teams. It is still ideal for our decentral, transnational structures.
Many members of our teams where so inspired by the method that they became sociocracy trainers themselves. Here is the website of ecobasa's founder Arne teaching Sociocracy. Since we first adapted Sociocracy, our friends and teachers developed the method further to become Sociocracy 3.0. It inherits some developments from Holocracy and something new: The Drivers ...