The ecobasa team

  • Delci Strategy & Fundraising

    Delci likes to do fundraising for a good purpose and especially for a heart-project, like ecobasa. She also loves organising events that bring people together in new ways and being a heart-keeper.
    Besides ecobasa, she works full-time in a Berliner NGO, doing political campaigning.
    With her diploma in economic studies and her Master of Arts in International Business Administration, she manages the organisations backbone.
    This year, she went on two community-tours: towards Romania (where she was born) and towards Portugal, visiting communities and bringing and recieving gifts.
    What she mostly enjoys in this world is MAGIC: the magic of friendship, nature

  • kohengi Backend & API Development

    Sebastian has discovered ecobasa over two years ago and made it his voluntary project of the heart. Bringing lots of experience as a professional programmer (degree in computer science and 15 years of work experience), he initiated the relaunch of ecobasa. As he was doing good work, he was also hired by the sinnwerkstatt media agency, the professional partner agency of There he is co-developing a big framework, that we can also use for free with ecobasa!
    Sebastian is still working one day a week and sometimes on the weekends on ecobasa, slowly but steadily we bring the project to public beta.
    In the rest of his freetime he takes bycicle trips or walks around in nature. He also has years of experience, touring through communities in New Zealand (128 and Oblong in Wellington) and other places. This year he is taking some time off and go on the road of alternative living again.

  • Arne Founder & Project Manager

    After studying music therapy, Arne didn't want to work in hospitals and psychiatry. He was looking for a healthy environment to really help people to get and stay healthy.
    In his research he found out that self-sustainable communities could offer a holistic structure to host clients for their best. Entering the community world, he immediately had ideas how they could be connected in a network that would raise their living standards in a sustainable way - ecobasa was born.
    Travelling around networking he learned about gift-economy and lived without money for 6 months. He visited numerous communities, helping out and receiving food and accommodation. He saw a lot of opportunities how they could support each other if they would just have the means how to do it.
    Since then he learned a lot about programming, graphic design, project- and volunteer management, communication, self-organisation and community building.
    In ecobasa he currently works as a project manager, graphic designer, frontend developer, video editor, fundraiser and community manager.
    He enjoys networking, travelling to communities and giving workshops about gift-economy and self-organisation.
    He used to work as a soundmaster, music composer, music producer and sounddesigner in the sinnwerkstatt media agency for social change. the sinnwerkstatt supports as professional media partner with software development and multimedia advice.
    He goes on community-tours every year year and holds a big seedbank as he thinks that seeds are the best gift, creating relationships through nurturing.

  • YOU? Define your role

    We are very happy to hear from you, if you want to join the team! We are self-organised using Sociocracy 3.0, so you have a lot of freedom, but it helps a lot, to be self-responsible. You can read more about our values here. Just send us a motivational message.

    We need help with:

    • Backend programming (Django, your choices)
    • Frontend programming (Your choice)
    • Design, UX
    • Social Media
    • Correspondance with members by e-mail and written letters
    • Organizing and hosting events
    • Volunteer Management
    • Fundraising