aurora community cob house communities convergence communities-convergence community community tours community-tours conference danube CC eco-building ecovillage exchange gift economy global ecovillage network humanure networking nomads NVC peacework permaculture rainbow gathering europe research seed self-organization volunteering ZEGG
Image Title Author Created Tags Actions

Greetings from the green-phoenix

Andrei Iuroaia Nov. 27, 2014, 3:02 p.m. community networking communities-convergence conference

Greta's Community-Tour

Andrei Iuroaia Nov. 17, 2014, 3:24 p.m. -

Aurora community - near Lunca Cernii de sus, Romania

Andrei Iuroaia Aug. 14, 2014, midnight community communities convergence danube CC aurora community

European Rainbow Gathering, near Sacuieu Romania

Andrei Iuroaia Aug. 5, 2014, midnight rainbow gathering europe gift economy

Seed exchange across the border

Andrei Iuroaia Aug. 3, 2014, midnight seed exchange

La Gugu community - near Suncuius, Romania

Andrei Iuroaia Aug. 3, 2014, midnight community permaculture eco-building NVC peacework cob house volunteering

Pr Nebavec community - near Litjia, Slovenia

Andrei Iuroaia Aug. 1, 2014, midnight community permaculture

Visiting the neighbourhood of Ecovillage Istria

Andrei Iuroaia July 30, 2014, midnight community permaculture eco-building

Ecovillage Isatria - near Koper, Slovenia

Andrei Iuroaia July 27, 2014, midnight community permaculture eco-building ecovillage research humanure

Community travellers gathering - near Wemding, south Germany

Andrei Iuroaia July 23, 2014, midnight community community-tours nomads

GEN Conference at ZEGG community - Bad Belzig, north Germany

Andrei Iuroaia July 12, 2014, midnight ZEGG global ecovillage network

community tours pilot project starts

Andrei Iuroaia July 9, 2014, midnight communities convergence community tours self-organization