written by Andrei Iuroaia on Aug. 14, 2014, midnight

Aurora community - near Lunca Cernii de sus, Romania

Our arrival at Aurora community was just a few days before the 2nd Danube CC but we had a few friends with us and of course our friends from Aurora. So we started setting up the CC, buying food, stocking wood, bringing supplies from the city, building a tent covered dining and workshop area and preparing the logistics, role descriptions, schedule and all the printed materials to give self organization a healthy and effective form. We also took time to land and enjoy the breath taking energy of the forested mountains, reconnecting with our friends and hosts and enjoying beautiful Aurora community. If you want to visit them contact them in advance - they are open for guests and new members that resonate with their vision. They are also active all over Romania and abroad and there is plenty to learn, exchange and experience. http://www.aurora-community.org/ After a few days we were ready to start the convergence and receive our other travelling friends as well as all the other guests and started converging...

