written by Arne Bollinger on Oct. 27, 2015, 6:46 p.m.

Things Done

Community Map

The markers for the communities on the big map got little ecobasa flowers and the orange color. If you click on the makers, little popups appear that show their picture and a short self-desciption text. So you can decide better if you want to see their full profile or not :)
In the future we will also show a counter of positive and negative references and some important statistics (size, status)


We introduced the concept of the Communities-Convergences on this website. Since ecobasa and Communities-Convergence joined in 2014, we wrote our statutes that define our network and the work we do, we organized 4 convergences and 4 Community-Tours together. Also we where working on the old convergence website. That is why things may appear to move slowly. In fact, they do not! Soon we will have convergence groups, like the Community-Tours and you can see who organizes convergences in which places. You can join the groups and collaborate online to shape the convergence to your needs!

Event Lists

I added foldable LIsts for past and upcoming events above the big calendar in the group events. We use the events for example to organize the stations of a Community-Tour like here:
Also the schedules of the Communities-Convergences can be composed collaboratevely like this! Of course this is also great to manage workshops and volunteering projects in your community!
We will integrate the events more and more in the future so you can make a better use of them.

Community-Tour Maps

Every Community-Tour now has a map showing the locations that the tour will visit. Have a look here:
It lists the events of the Community-Tours group and puts their locations on the map. Soon they will be connected to make the tour route visible and also this will be visible on the big map. This is the basis for one of ecobasas main features: the route planner. It will manage the flow of ressources and services to the communities that whish for them on their profiles!


Every Blog entry got more beautiful, as I made the headimage bigger and disappear with a parallax effect to the top. Just scroll up and down again and see how it glides gracefully :)
Also the background of the whole website got a nice paper texture. I dont understand this cold design trends, it must feel warm and natural for me, i like reading text and looking at the pages much more now. 

Many bugs fixed!

Among these visible additions, many bugs got fixed, that are not visible anymore. That is why the website is working so good :)
Thanks a lot to all the people that send me messages and emails if they found an error or something behaved weird.
Please keep doing so and also feel free to share your ideas on how improve the platform! We have a long list of features, but we might miss the obvious, and some things are really easy and fast to do, so don't hesitate to contact us

FB sharing

You can share every blogarticle from our ecobasa blog or one of the Community-Tour blogs on your social media network of choice. Little sharebuttons on the bottom of every article assist you, as you can see below this post :)

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