written by Delciza Naghiu on Dec. 10, 2015, 11:23 p.m.

Karma Kitchen

If you follow ecobasa.org long enough, you are probably already familiar with the concept of #SuspendedCoffee

Karma Kitchen does the same, only with a meal: that means your meal has been paid for by someone who came before you. Since it's a gift, you can't pay them back - but you can pay-it-forward to the next guests, allowing him/her to experience the same generosity and keeping the circle of giving going...

It started in Berkeley, USA in 2007, it has been run by volunteers ever since and up til now, over 50.000 meals have been offered in this gift-economy spirit. Watch the inspiring video here

By now, you probably want to start a Karma Kitchen yourself?
Well, you just need a committed group of 4-5 volunteers and a participating restaurant. There is even a startup guide on the website to guide you through.


