Comunidad Rodante

Comunidad Rodante

The “Comunidad Rodante” is a nomadic community of like-minded people, from across the face of this fair planet, traveling overland looking for alternative projects, communities, eco-villages and agents of change, with which we can integrate the generating of bilateral growth.

Attending to the needs of the place where we are based and accommodate to the human and material resources which we have together.

The collective itself offers an endless number of opportunities for the places it passes through to benefit from.

We also run daily internal workshops, exchanging our personal skills and experiences, with which we can share the knowledge we already have with all our travelling sisters and brothers. Allowing us all to have even more in which we can share with the world in the future.

These workshops will also be on offer to the local communities in which we are visiting, giving us the opportunity to share our knowledge in teaching alternatives to conventional building methods and techniques for ways to live lighter on the earth, with our life’s primary mission to be leaving a better world for the next generation to enjoy.

Our next tour will be in Colombia and South America in 2016 !!!


  • Tobias Tobias
  • Arne Bollinger Arne Bollinger
    I love to connect the dots. I think systemically, like in permaculture. I lived without money for 6 months.
    I seem to have a lot of trust in me. I want to inspire others to trust in the world and other people again, only like this we can change the world! Trust is the basis for collective intelligence and a collective consciousness. Our next step in evolution.
    I feel connected, to my soul, to other people and to nature. Because of that i feel a natural responsibility towards everything, because if everything is connected in a way and is able to affect me, why should i hurt myself?
  • Delciza Naghiu Delciza Naghiu



  • organising
  • permaculture
  • dance
  • bioconstruction
  • dj
  • masscooking
  • musician
  • regenerative archtitecture
  • Carpenter
  • Treehouse-Construction
  • community building
  • juggling
  • Gift-economy community design
  • Natural Building
  • construcion
  • reparing
  • acrobatics
  • teaching
  • ecovillage design education
  • filmmaking
  • sociocracy
  • gardening
  • community building
  • cooking for groups
  • graphic-design
  • programming
  • musictherapy
  • improvisation
  • group faciliation
  • living without money
  • fundraising
  • CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)
  • Non Violent Communication
  • permaculture
  • music
  • fotography
  • urban gardening
  • project management
  • music production
  • organising-revolutionary-events
  • heart-keeper
  • Newsletter
  • gift-circle
  • dragon dreaming
  • Sociocracy 3.0
  • Funding
  • organizing communities convergences
  • gift-economy
  • Non Violent Communication
  • NGOs
  • fundraising


  • everything-else-from-electronics
  • music
  • delicious food
  • Logos
  • Businesscards
  • Flyers
  • ecovillage design education
  • sociocracy workshop
  • websites
  • deo
  • bookmarks with dry plants
  • upcycled wallets
  • deodorant
  • little books
  • Newsletters



  • small keyboard stand
  • camera lenses for Canon EF-S lens mount

Visiting these Places

Image Name Description Time
Palomino building Palomino building We will set up a Camping Site (also for us), continue to work on the Treehouse, and later in Januar building a Community-House out with clay. Dec. 1, 2015, 8:13 p.m. -
Jan. 30, 2016, 8:13 p.m.
Tree House Festival Tree House Festival We will celebrate our treehouse construction and enjoy Art, Music, Carribean Beach, Djungle Dec. 31, 2015, 8:17 p.m. -
Jan. 1, 2016, 8:17 p.m.
Llamado de la tierra Llamado de la tierra Spiritual Festival with Indigenous Jan. 15, 2016, 8:21 p.m. -
Jan. 31, 2016, 8:21 p.m.
Minka Lab

El encuentro Minkalab 2016 invita a colectivos, proyectos, grupos, individuos a organizar o colaborar en una actividad como, talleres, charlas, paneles, performances, obras de arte, conciertos, rituales y otras formas de expresión alrededor de los siguientes nodos.

Nodos o conceptos a entrelazar en el MinkaLab 2016 :

Soberanía alimentaria: Guardianes de semillas, huertas ...
Feb. 20, 2016, 8:25 p.m. -
Feb. 29, 2016, 8:25 p.m.
Jurema activation Jurema activation we will activate our project-bus jurema
install a new motor and gears
and we are doing adventure tours to the tree temple alunaris, what we build in 2014 in the jungle of the sierra nevada
March 20, 2016, 9:21 p.m. -
April 20, 2016, 9:21 p.m.
Rainbow Crystal Land June 1, 2016, 8:28 p.m. -
July 1, 2016, 8:28 p.m.

Blog Posts

La comunidad está creciendo

written by Arne Bollinger on Feb. 15, 2016, 1:29 a.m.

The community is rolling again!

Well not quite, the bus is missing.. but Arne and Delci arrived in Colombia and joined la comunidad!
We have meetings every day, started learning about sociocracy and already agreed on some policies!
We spoke about possible communities we want to visit and invitations that we already got.
We prepared our presentation of ecobasa and comunidad rodante for the minkalab conference that starts soon.
We took an amazing hike to the jungle in the ...

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Last preparation meeting

written by Arne Bollinger on Sept. 24, 2015, 10:20 a.m.

We just met for the last time in Germany, before Tobi is heading off to Colombia.
You can read our protocol here, but it is mostly in german and short notes for us to remember..
We spoke about the necessary traveling preparations like visa, route, gadgets and of course the bus.
With your donations we can already buy a small car at least, that would be better than nothing to transport our luggage. We could then go all by ...

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a little seed was planted...

written by Tobias on April 26, 2015, 3:02 p.m.

Also check out our website

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