SZG - Socialecological Center G

The SZG is an Project- and Community Space in Mecklenburg Vorpommern. We have around 2000 m² Ground and around 300 m² Indoor-Space. Our Space can be accessed trough the railway-station Mistorf. We have a Guest-House or Nomade-Space or Co-Working-Space free to use under some Conditions.
What do you do to make the world a better place?

Ecosocial Stuff like: Ecological Gardening, Perma-Culture, Caring for Animals, Ecosocial Actions, Education Projects...

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For Networking


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  • money
  • children
  • Support
  • travelers
  • comrades
  • help
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Products and Creations

  • space
  • food
  • money
  • children
  • Support
  • travelers
  • comrades
  • help
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