gift-economy video Month of Giving gift interview

Soundjourney - a touching gift-experience

written by Delciza Naghiu on Dec. 27, 2015, 3:43 p.m. in ecobasa

Our friends from Tagtraum are offering soundjourneys on a regular basis in Berlin. Based on a "free-price" they create much more than a service - deep moments, connections, relationships and community, well, things you can not buy. This amazing project shows all the magic of gift-economy, it's just priceless!
It's also the perfect gift that you can offer to a friend: either on his/her birthday, while visiting berlin or as a surprise on any normal day, making it ...

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gift-economy video events Month of Giving interview

Gift-economy coffee shop

written by Arne Bollinger on Dec. 23, 2015, 12:03 p.m. in ecobasa

Our friends from Erste Sahne have a little coffee shop in the Schillerkietz in Berlin. 
We met them on our various events and last year they gave us vouchers for cakes at their place to support our gift-economy campaign.
This year we used some of the vouchers to invite some ecobasa supporters and friends for coffee and cake. Of course some of our team chose to pay for the next person who orders a coffee, so we started a suspended ...

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sociocracy dragon-dreaming Month of Giving gift

Gift: Dragon Dreaming e-book

written by Arne Bollinger on Dec. 21, 2015, 9:59 a.m. in ecobasa

Dragon Dreaming is a set of sustainable project management tools for groups and communities. We use parts of it in our events and in our teams.

Some people volunteered to make a digital booklet, that explains you the concepts. It has just recently been updated in 6 languages and we are happy to share this great gift with you:
Here are different versions:

We like ...

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gift-economy Month of Giving

Organize a really really free market

written by Arne Bollinger on Dec. 15, 2015, 8:41 p.m. in ecobasa

A beautiful day in the park, a fresh homemade meal, some free clothes and books – what could be better?
The Really Really Free Market, as opposed to the Not-So-Free Free Market, breaks down the myth of scarcity and encourages us to take advantage of the abundance all around us.

Kirsten Brydum, RRFM organizer, gave us the low down on how great it feels to get rid of your stuff, share knowledge and maybe find that odd item you've been ...

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gift-economy video Month of Giving gift

Community-Tours: a gift-economy experience

written by Arne Bollinger on Dec. 15, 2015, 9:53 a.m. in ecobasa

In 2014 we organized some Community-Tours between two Communities-Convergences in order to test the concepts as a prototype, to collect more feedback and add improvements and to document everything to show you how it looks like and how you can organise it yourself.

This is a little documentary that we cut together. We will take you with us on our Summer 2014 through the gift-economy communities we visited. Very inspiring places and people! 
It is not really finished, as there ...

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gifts Giving Tuesday Month of Giving

Month of Giving

written by Arne Bollinger on Dec. 14, 2015, 12:39 p.m. in ecobasa

ecobasa is all about giving, because this changes the way people relate to each other, the world and to themselves in a healthy, natural and sustainable way!

We want to inspire as many people as possible, including you, to give something unconditionally, because this experience can light up your or somebodies life! Year long friendships emerged from every event or project we did with gift-economy!

To share the gift of giving with more people, we need your help – so this ...

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Month of Giving gift

Gifts: Time instead of Stuff

written by Arne Bollinger on Dec. 11, 2015, 11 a.m. in ecobasa

Christmas is approaching, this special time of the year where giving gifts is part of our culture.
The german website wants to give alternative ideas for materialistic gifts. Instead of giving stuff, you can give somebody a nice time. This creates connections, happy feelings and less waste :) It is the most local and sustainable gift you can make! And spending quality time together is a really nice gift for both, the receiver and the giver ...

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Month of Giving gift radio

Gift: Bioneers Radio

written by Arne Bollinger on Dec. 10, 2015, 1:06 p.m. in ecobasa

We have been gifting books and films, in regards to our radiointerview yesterday, we give you a radioshow around sustainability:
Bioneers Radio is combining social innovation, leading edge science and indiginous and traditional knowledge, creating a future environment of hope.

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Month of Giving Media Radio

ecobasa on air!

written by Arne Bollinger on Dec. 10, 2015, 12:57 p.m. in ecobasa

We had a feature in the famous nationwide german radio "Deutschlandfunk".
In an inspiring in-depth 10 Minutes Interview Arne explains about gift-economy, gift-communities and ecobasa's Month of Giving campaign.


Gestern lief ein Feature über auf Deutschlandfunk.
In einem inspirierenden 10 Minütigen Interview erzählt Arne über Schenkökonomie, Schenk-Gemeinschaften und ecobasa's Monat des Gebens.

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gifts Month of Giving

Gift: Big Book of Tiny Homes

written by Arne Bollinger on Dec. 4, 2015, 11:40 a.m. in ecobasa

During our #MonthOfGiving‬ we will not only report about your giftings, but also give away gifts on every other day!
These gifts are unconditional, but of course we would be very happy if you would support us and our work, because your gifts keep us giving!
Today we have for you a free big book about Tiny Homes, that you can build yourself or with the help from some volunteers on 
Enjoy the read! ...

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gift-economy gifts Giving Tuesday Month of Giving

Free Taxi Rides in Yerevan

written by Arne Bollinger on Dec. 3, 2015, 12:27 p.m. in ecobasa

Vahagen and Ruben decided to drive through the streets of Yerevan in Armenia, to offer free taxi rides on #GivingTuesday, the start of ecobasa's #MonthOfGiving.

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gift-economy gifts event Month of Giving Giftmob givetivism

We launched our Month of Giving with a Giftmob

written by Arne Bollinger on Dec. 2, 2015, 11:50 a.m. in ecobasa

On Giving Tuesday (01.12.) we launched the #MonthOfGiving with a Giftmob at Alexanderplatz in Berlin.

What a nice day it was! It filled our hearts with nice moments and coincidences: We met a travelling nomad who was working on the christmas market. He doesn't use internet and didn't know about our initiative. 
He was very happy to connect to us as he wants to open up a nomad base on gift-economy to host fellow travellers!

A woman ...

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gifts event Month of Giving Newsletter

Newsletter: ecobasa launched!

written by Arne Bollinger on Nov. 18, 2015, 10:08 a.m. in ecobasa

As you might have not subscribed to our gloriously inspiring newsletter, we share it with you openly as this is what we do for a living: sharing.
Open the original for translations
If you dont want to miss future letters, please subscribe here

We want to share the gift of giving creatively for a whole month and inspire many people to do the same. Only together we can create a wave of inspiration, generosity and gratefulness. Join us now and ...

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gift-economy Month of Giving gift

Gift: Sacred Economics ebook

written by Delciza Naghiu on Dec. 11, 2014, 12:42 a.m. in ecobasa

We are running a different kind of crowdfunding campaign: gift-economy style! So instead of bribing donors with rewards, we depend on your unconditional support.
BUT we also give away GIFTS FOR EVERYONE, not just our donors!

So here it is, a true gift: a wonderful book of Charles Eisenstein to download for free. Its of courseabout gift-economy but also much more that goes philosophically and personally deep!

ebook, zipped 

And here it might even be in your native language ...

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