Community Ambassador Registration

Get a profile for your

  • Ecovillage
  • Comune
  • Houseproject
  • Permaculture Farm
  • Planning Initiative

Start a regional gift-network and invite the other pioneers to your

  • Bio-regional community network
  • Transition Town initiative
  • Urban gift-network
  • Thematic network

Please take some time to think, ask around and fill out as much information as possible! It can be a fun group process, like collecting the whishes – you might inspire each other! You dont need to do it all now, you can always edit your profile later. For the start we only need your contact information, to help you!

It is useful just to have a look at different hosts and study their way of describing the help they need. It will save you a lot of wasted energy on volunteers who are not suited for your situation. Define your situation, describe the work that is expected from volunteers, and discourage people who just want to hang around or look for a cheap place to stay (simply say so). And be fair. Do not expect volunteers to work 10 hours a day because you are doing it. It helps also if you set a minimum period for staying with you, so you do not lose lots of time by introducing new guests. And yes, volunteers are guests. Treat them like that and share as much with them as possible and you will be blessed (as a rule)!

Hosting volunteers is fun, if you organize it well. So enjoy, because life is meant to be fun!


Header image for the community-profile, minimum resolution 1200x400
Link to a video showing your community

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A comma-separated list of tags. You can type anything here. You can also chose from other users tags. Connect two words with a "-" to have one tag.

A comma-separated list of tags. You can type anything here. You can also chose from other users tags. Connect two words with a "-" to have one tag.

Where can your visitors sleep? Do you have space for a bus, tents? How is the indoor sleeping situation? Do you have matresses, a couch? Do you have a donations or a pricing model? Required daily working amount or epxeriences?
A comma-separated list of tags. You can type anything here. You can also chose from other users tags. Connect two words with a "-" to have one tag.
A comma-separated list of tags.
A comma-separated list of tags. You can type anything here. You can also chose from other users tags. Connect two words with a "-" to have one tag.
A comma-separated list of tags. You can type anything here. You can also chose from other users tags. Connect two words with a "-" to have one tag.
A comma-separated list of tags. You can type anything here. You can also chose from other users tags. Connect two words with a "-" to have one tag.